Chapter 2

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Here is chapter 2! Enjoy!


I looked around the room; there were two beds on each side of the greyish wall. I placed my things on my bed and decided to look around. It was a small room, with a tiny common bathroom. The tiles of the bathroom made a perfect mosaïque, which almost made me cringe. There was nothing grandiose about it, compared to the living room downstairs. The whole room was the same as cops used during undercover operations. I was weirdly overjoyed by that fact. By the beds were a large closet and an office table by it. Perfect! I could already picture myself sitting there, working. There was a small window just on top of the office table, giving a great view of the library. As small and basic as the room was, I was satisfied by it. It wasn't as I thought it would be at thoughts faded at a perfume. Hold on...was that lavender I was smelling? I held up my nose. Yes, that was it! Of course, it was Bree who was only trying to make the humidity smell go away.

-I hope you don't mind. She said smiling.

-No that's fine. I replied.

I started unpacking too; I was quicker than my roommate, probably because my suitcase was mostly full of books than clothes. As soon as I was done, I headed to the library. Too many new things in one day, I needed to be in a familiar and comfortable place. I walked quickly to the library, making my pace seem natural. I pushed the door, allowing the warmth of the library to soothe me. As soon as I stepped in, I knew that I had made the right choice coming here. I could already smell the pages of the books waiting for me to read them, there was always an inexplicable feeling libraries provided me. A welcoming feeling, a feeling of if I didn't have to try anything to fit in, it was just another window to my comfort bubble. The library was now my second favourite place on the campus.

I stared at the gigantic library in awe. Large shelves stocked huge dusty books. The dark green walls gave a nocturnal atmosphere, which was a pleasant combination with the century's old lamps. The librarian, a woman with big round glasses and nails as long as bear claws, looked at me curiously. Was it so obvious that I was new here? Maybe she was just surprised to see a first year in the library already...I made my way through the books, looking for an empty table. In the middle of the library was an enormous table, which was divided into smaller tables by green desk lamps. There were too many students for me to sit there so I looked somewhere else. At the end of each shelf was a small circular table. Most of them were occupied, and I finally found one just by a window. Excellent! I was as thrilled as a kid who just got to DisneyLand.

I looked through the books, taking all my time, feeling at peace with the quietness. Taking a deep breath, I ran my fingertips on the hardcovers inhaling their unique perfume. I was not looking for a specific book; I didn't even know what I was looking for. I just knew that when I saw a book I was interested in, I would take it with me. Seconds, minutes, hours... probably passed. I wasn't counting, no one was. Everyone was already absorbed in their activities. I took a couple of books with me and laid them on my small table. I realised that all the other tables were occupied now. Great! No one else could enter usual; the universe had the nerve to contradict me. "Urgh...why him again?" I thought as I saw the brown-eyed boy entering..."Not me, not me!" I thought as hard as I could. Unfortunately, he came towards me and said in a low voice,

-Is this place taken?

I nodded as he sat in the chair opposite me. He smiled, his eyes shining. I could see him clearly now. He had a long nose with a few freckles. His dark hair cut perfectly in a Grant Gustin style. Why weren't all the girls at his feet already? He was definitely handsome.

-Bean. Mr Bean. He said as he held his hand.

-Bond. James Bond. I smirked as I shook his hand.

-Oh! He laughed. Will you tell me, dear agent 007, why are you already in the library? It is quite unusual for a first year...

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