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Sorry guys 😅😅 i haven't been the best author but I'm back and hope to actually write more. I do have a job and school though. But I've been managing so far so I'm excited to see what I can do. There will be less a/n's in the chapters now so you can read more! I love all of you who have stayed until now. And all who decide to read!

I'm finally 15. I've been through so much training for this. I couldn't get in through recommendations because my quirk is passive. So, exams here I come.

Mom starts talking to me while Daisuke, our driver, drives our limo. I swear they always flaunt their money.


"Yes, mom. 'I have to pass to uphold our reputation' I know"

"Good, but quit being a smartass! People don't like that. You have to be happy, eccentric! Fake it til you make it! Oh, and, don't forget we made it public when we changed you last name. So you need to use it. Besides you hate your old one anyway."

"Yes, mom."

"I wish your dad could see you off. Sadly, he has work-"

"Mom unlike you, who partially actually wanted a kid, dad only agreed for the publicity. He doesn't actually like me."

"Hush up! You know he cares. It's tough love from him. You're becoming a man. It's his beliefs to be tough on you!"

"Mhmm. We're here."

I started to open the door but mom made me wait for Daisuke to open it. Something about how 'the cameras caught me tipping him once so now we have to do it everytime in front of them.'

I was gonna tip him anyways though.

I had my hair, minus my bangs, pulled into a small ponytail. When I refused to pull it down once, the crowds went wild so now mom actually encourages it. Dad still hates it though; he thinks guys shouldn't have long enough hair to pull up.

I hugged mom, and she beckoned me to bend down so she could kiss my cheek. The people were quick to video and take pictures of our sweet 'family bonds'.

Mom and dad encouraged anything that would get us good publicity.

When mom and Daisuke left, I was escorted inside, as to not be bombarded, by a few teachers.

One was Erasurehead, but he told me to call him Mr. Aizawa.

~la time skip to the exam gates brought to you by dadzawa~

We started running inside. Everyone went straight; I turned on my quirk to listen to the people within 100 yards, and went to the right first.

It seems our opponents aren't living. I recently learned my quirk works on animals as well.

"Why is he going this way? He must have a good enough quirk to work alone. I'll take it."

Oh so that's why he started following me. Jokes on him my quirk isn't useful in this type of situation.

I found multiple 3 pointers a few 2 pointers and a couple 1 pointers. I immediately charged feeling the boy touch my shoulder.

'Have fun' I think and wink at him.

He gets shocked, 'he knew.'

'Duh my quirk is telepathy. Good luck!'

I start fighting the robots and collecting points.


The boy left a bit after my quirk wore off. 5 minutes huh. Thank you for letting me know your quirk.

I make my way to the center. I can try to get assistance points.

I get to the center and see someone struggling. I help her out a bit but let her take the points since it is hers.

All of a sudden, the ground starts shaking. A giant robot is coming from the other side of the city.

"You have got to be kidding me." I see multiple people tripping and getting their clothes stuck on fallen debris and destroyed robots.

I run the toward the disarray, opposite the crowd running away. I help as many as need me. I get ready to turn around when I see the blonde boy again. This time, he's stuck between 2 pillars that fell. I guess he was trying dodge both and got stuck between them.

My eyes widen when I see him tear up as one of the pillars tilt its weight crushing him.

I run toward him. When I get there he reaches out his hand as if he wants me to pull him out.

"I can't pull you out it'll kill you." I run to the pillar and use all my strength to shift its weight toward me. I moved it just enough to let him out and he ran ahead. I dropped the pillar. But, not soon enough. The robot was to close for me to run away. It's too fast. I brace myself hoping the robot will start turning before it gets to me.

I feel someone quickly grab my arm and drag me into theirs. I look up and see the blonde boy again. I guess he touched someone with a speed quirk because he's really fast. We safely get to the other side of the city before he puts me down. He stops his quirk and looks at me, "Why would you save me when you knew you wouldn't make it?!"

"I could ask you the same. You were being crushed. Are you okay?"

He starts laughing maniacally, "You still worried? I just saved your life and you're still worried about mine! How gullible are you?"

"You're the first person to not villianize me for my quirk."

He stops abruptly. He looks at me with a slightly saddened face and speaks, "I'm Monoma. I've had the same experience with people for my quirk. So I understood."

"Oh yea. I figured that much. Most people would make people like us outcasts since our quirks kinda depend on others. My name's Y/n, Y/n Akari."


"I said my first name, first, for a reason."

"Y/n. You're that kid who's always on the news. So you lied about me being the first person."

"What? No. I am only seen by people as the lucky villain kid."

"Sure! You get praised all the time for your kind acts-"

"Yea kind acts as a villain. They only see me as a wealthy families adopted kid. I thought you were different."


"TIME'S UP FOLKS" Present Mic announces ending our conversation.

I walk away before Monoma can say anything else. I'm tired of people pretending they accept me.

I'm tired of caring.

Guess I really will,

Fake it til I make it.

1113 words

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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