"you wouldn't want bad press, would you?" pt 2

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the long-awaited part 2 is out!! it is currently midnight i am surviving off of gummy bears and nervous energy)

take a shot every time i make a superhero oneshot with shuri ☠️ i wish I could lie and say that I'll bench him after this oneshot, but we all know id be lying.)

(AUTHOR'S NOTE #3: a very, VERY light reference to vomiting. i mention it only once. ren is really going through it, poor guy)

Shuri circled the kitchen island. His eyes, prowling and watchful, did not leave Tozen, or the bow in his hand. A calm smile lingered on his face. Tozen did not know what was more worrying - the fact that he could kill Shuri right now, or the fact that Shuri didn't seem to care.

He'd be lying if he said that Shuri, as he was now, did not scare the living shit out of him. He'd instantly take any Nightstalker over him, any day.

...Except the Rancoteur, of course.

"I'm curious as to what lengths you'll go to to protect your darling Ren. I suppose there's more to you both than meets the eye, hm?"

"That's none of your business," Tozen replied, also prowling the island. His heart was right in his throat. He could hear the blood rushing in his ears. "I'd suggest you leave."

"And miss the fun? I wouldn't dream of it." Shuri rested his elbows on the countertop and stared Tozen dead in the eyes. His fingers drummed rhythmically on the marble surface. "To die by your arrowhead would be dreamy, though. A fitting death, I'd say..."

"Allow me to turn your dream into a reality, then."

When he released the arrow, however, Shuri was nowhere to be seen. The arrowhead struck the head of a dining chair and sent a deep split running through the length of it.

"I've never seen someone fire an arrow with such precision," came a voice from behind Tozen. "The Nightstalkers could use someone like you..."

Tozen swallowed a gasp. Good God, Shuri was fast. No wonder Ren had such a hard time keeping up with him.

"I'd rather die than join you. You're a different kind of evil."

Shuri placed a hand to his heart in mock offence. "Oh, how your words wound me so!"

And then his hands were on either side of Tozen, trapping him against the countertop. "How do you know that we're evil? Our morals only differ from yours. That doesn't make us bad people, does it? Who's to say that your morals are the right ones?"

Tozen frowned. "Your idea of a pastime is to set fire to the city library."

"The smell of burning paper is delightful."

"You're crazy."

"I prefer the term 'unique'."

"That's a synonym."

"You're wordy," Shuri said. "I like you."

"The feeling isn't mutual."

Shuri's hand traced the diamond pattern of Tozen's pyjamas. "Oh, but it can be~"

Tozen pushed his hand away and stepped out of the space between him and the countertop. "I'll pass."

Unfortunately, while stepping aside had allowed Tozen to move freely, it had also revealed the knife block - with the freshly cleaned, freshly sharpened knives - glinting in the moonlight.

Shuri's eyes were locked on the handle of one. He reached out a hand to run his fingers against the cold metal.

"Recently sharpened," Shuri murmured, apparently to himself.

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