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"Helloooo mother" I say
"Hello what do you need?!"
"Ok so there's this party that Javon asked me to go so can I go?"
"Mhmmmm sure what time?"
"Ok well it's 4:20"
You run to your room and get ready

"Helloooo mother" I say"Hello what do you need?!""Ok so there's this party that Javon asked me to go so can I go?""Mhmmmm sure what time?""5:00""Ok well it's 4:20""OMG OK THANK YOU"You run to your room and get ready

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Hair,makeup and outfit ^^^Wanna💞

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Hair,makeup and outfit ^^^

Heyyyy I'm outside

Kk be right there

You walk out to javons car
"Wow for you to"you say
The whole way there u guys were just talking and talking and talking
"We're here"
"Wow this house is big af"
"Yup I'm even surprised"
You guys go inside and have fun
After a while you are sitting on the couch with Javon and mason
"Hey ima go get a drink you want one?" Javon asked
"No I'm good babe"
"Ok mason you?"
"Ya sure"
"Ok I'll be back"
He leaves next thing yk Miguel comes with his new girl
"Hey mason hey y/n."
"Hey man"
"Coco this is y/n and you already know mason"
"Hi it's so nice to meet you"you say to her putting your hand out for a shake
"hi" she says with attitude
"Ok I'm back with the drinks oh who this"
"Javon yk Miguel and this Is-"
You get cut of by coco
"Coco quin nice to meet you"she puts her hand out
"Hi"he says
Then a song that you and the whole cast of the black phone comes on
"Javonnn let's go dance"you say with a smile
You guys all go on the dance floor beside Miguel and coco
"Babe ima go to the bathroom" coco says
"Mhm ok"
•Miguel pov•
I seen her on the dance floor with Javon gawd she so pretty I wished I told her my feelings before
"Hey man what's up" I look up to see Jacob
"Nothing much"
"What are you looking at-OMG are you looking at y/n?"
"Pffff ofc not I have a gf"
"Mhm sure"
•end of pov•
"Babe ima go to the restroom really quick" Javon said
"Ok Ill be here"
It's been almost 8. Minutes since coco and Javon went to the bathroom
"Ok y/n ready to go?"javon said
You said bye to everyone
You guys were there for a good 5 hours
He drops you off and you get ready for bed

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