Our Wedding Vow !

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●●I dedicate this One Shot to all my Silent and Non-silent Readers! Enjoy dears..🤗

Wangxian One Shot

Our Wedding Vow...

Capri Island, Italy...

Every girl dreams of the day when her Prince Charming comes to sweep her to her Happily Ever After. It was exactly so for Wei Ying, only in his case he was the beautiful Prince waiting for his other half- Prince Charming.

This wedding was not the wedding of two regular folks. It was a wedding of a dark knight, and his innocent prince and Wei Ying was the Prince with a beating heart.

This story was not a fairy tale. It was a dark tale. What had not these two souls endured to be one soul? Tragedies, turmoil, pain, agony, misunderstanding, and enemies, and sometimes they were even fighting among themselves. But, in the end, Love had triumphed all over it. Their love manages to emerge victorious and conquer all odds. Today was the day they had gotten the fruit of their love story. It was no ordinary day, it was their dream day(Their wedding).

When Wei Ying was ten years old, he had been invited to a small Christian wedding. From that day on, he had dreamed of walking down in his white suit, where at the altar the love of his life would be waiting. Today, that dream of his was turning into a reality. His mum had always told him he was created for love; wherever he would land, love would follow him. And his mum was right he thought. Love had followed him in the shape of Lan Wangji. Lan Zhan was his angel, his love, and with his head held high, Wei Ying could claim Lan Zhan as his. He was only Wei Ying's. The jade Prince belonged to him, finally.

Wei Ying who was gazing into the wonderful view of Capri Island standing on the balcony, lost his train of thought when Jiang Cheng, and Lucy came running and screamed in his ear.

Wei Ying (jerked)- Lucy, Cheng! You scared me!

Lucy (her hand on her hips, rolling her eyes)- let me guess, you have not slept all night in excitement.

Wei Ying( blushing )- Nodded

Lucy - Oh com'on, dude! You are acting like a typical bride! Can't you be straightforward and say yes by holding your hands up high!?

Cheng (snorting)- Shut up Lucy! It's his wedding day, and he is shy. Can't blame him. He is marrying the world's greatest man! ( as soon as Lan Wangji's name began to pour out Cheng's mouth, Wei Ying's whole face turned red). Even the sound of Lan Zhan's name sent chills through him.

Lucy hugged him.

Lucy - 'This is what happens when you are in love Cheng! Right, Wei Ying? '

Wei Ying nodded in agreement as a sign that he agreed with Lucy.

Cheng's phone vibrated with the text, he knew what it meant.

Our Wedding Vow... ENDEDWhere stories live. Discover now