No Peace

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After sitting with the kids for a while Ivy stood, walking the direction Daryl went. She loved the kids, but sometimes she needed quiet, and she knew Daryl would be quiet. In her short time with the group she's gotten to where she doesn't care for being alone anymore, but she still likes having silent time. When she finally tracked him down she saw the man sitting next to rubble, sharpening sticks.

"What you want." He asked semi rudely, but she didn't let it bother her, sitting on the opposite side of him.

"Just needed some quiet, don't wanna be alone." She admitted. The man looked at her, before nodding silently, continuing to sharpen what he was holding. She pulled her knife from her side holster, leaning forward and grabbing a stick from Daryl's pile. He gave her another nod, the two sitting in comfortable silence and sharpening sticks.

"Daryl?" After a few hours their silence was broken by a worried looking Lori. Daryl gave her an annoyed look, having been enjoying the quiet.

"Rick and Glenn aren't back yet, can you go and get them?" Ivy furrowed her brows, why was she being so impatient? They were both capable of protecting themselves, they would be back.

"I ain't your damn errand boy, go fetch em' yourself." Daryl but nearly spat. Ivy didn't blame him, they treated him like a worker, it would piss any sane person off.

"Why are you being so selfish?" Lori complained, making Ivy now let out a sarcastic laugh.

"He isn't being selfish for not wanting to go do something that isn't his job. They can protect themselves, they must just be behind schedule. Just be patient." Lori shook her head before stomping off, Daryl looking over to Ivy, confused why the woman was sticking up for him.

"Sorry, annoyed me that she came to make you do something unneeded." Daryl nodded, chewing his thumb.

"That's a bad nervous habit, suppose it's boosting your immune system but it's bad for your skin." She nodded at his hand, earning a quiet scoff.

"Thanks, nurse." He hid a small smile as Ivy rolled her eyes at him. Daryl was slightly angry with himself for being able to so easily talk to the woman, not liking the feeling of being at ease. He didn't want to trust anyone, not after losing Merle because the idiots in the group. Sure, it wasn't Ivy's fault, but he doesn't wanna be a 'bitch' as Merle would say. He needed to keep his guard up, but she was making it slightly difficult.

"Have you seen Lori?" It was about an hour or so after seeing Lori, but the two look over to a nervous Carol. Daryl all but nearly groaned, looking back down to his stick.

"She came up here, asked me to go get Rick." Daryl admitted, causing Ivy to wince slightly, knowing this wasn't going to go well.

"What did you say?" Carol asked, wrapping her arms around herself. Daryl took in a deep breath, shaking his head.

"Told her to get him her damn self, I ain't no errand boy." Carol gave him a face of shock, shaking her head in disbelief.

"And you didn't say anything?!" Daryl scoffed, standing. "It ain't my damn job to go lookin' for anyone!" After the two argue for a moment longer Carol walked off, Daryl sitting back down angrily.

"They gonna start paying you in squirrels for tryna force you to do their dirty work?" Ivy tried to lighten the mood, watching as Daryl shook his head, letting out a quiet snort.

"Just wait till someone gets hurt, ya ain't gonna get a second to yourself." He grumbled, causing Ivy to quietly groan. She loved helping people but she doesn't like the thought of helping people with little to no supplies.

"I, uh..." Daryl started, biting his thumb as though it would make him work up the courage. Ivy raised a brow at the man, seeing his thumb biting. "I meant to ask if ya were okay, after what happened. I know the kids helped some, but ya know.." Ivy gave a soft smile. She could tell he was uncomfortable with emotions, so emotions along with conversation made the man look like he was suffering.

"In this world I've gotta be okay. I know she's in a better place, and now I have two kids looking up to me as an aunt that I can help take care of. Can't ask for much more, ya know?" She admitted, looking at her shoes as a smile rested on her face. Daryl stared at the woman, taking in her words along with her reaction. She looked almost peaceful, it confused him almost. How someone could look so peaceful and calm at a time like this. In his eyes it was nearly as though she didn't belong here, like she belonged to another world. He felt like digging his fingers into his scalp, to rip his eyes away from her, because he didn't like how he was feeling. He felt calmed by the woman, and it was a feeling he hated.

"We should go to the house, see if they found that damned woman." Ivy stood, patting herself off. Daryl nodded, grunting as he stood, walking beside her as they made their way to the house, tensing when her shoulder bumped his arm.

It felt like slight chaos when they made it to the house. Lori was sat on the couch, blood on her head.

"Lori I had to get you here, had to make sure the baby was okay." Eyes around the room widen, Ivy inching closer to the woman.

"What happened?" She asked, a professional tone beginning to lace her voice. Shane's head snapped over to her, not expecting that type of tone from the same woman he saw right hook another person.

"Car wreck. I'll be okay..." Lori muttered out, receiving a shake of the head from Ivy. Ivy grabbed her wrist, holding it to feel her pulse.

"Carl, grab your mother a glass of water, alright sweetie? Maggie I need a small square bandage along with something to clean the cut. Shane drag that coffee table over and sit a pillow on it to elevate her legs, she needs to rest." She ordered out, everyone springing into action. Ivy looked at the cut closely, seeing it wasn't deep, knowing stitches were unneeded.

"How far along are you? Obviously not very far since you aren't showing, but still." Lori shook her head, not completely sure. A quiet sigh left Ivy.

"Any bleeding from your," she saw Carl walk in with the glass of water and cleared her throat, "Area?" She finished, receiving a head shake from Lori, making her sigh in relief slightly.

"Your pulse is normal. No bleeding, no stomach pains I presume? So the baby should be okay. But you need to relax. You hit your head, so in case there's any sort of head trauma or concussion you need to relax." Lori thanked her, drinking the water. Ivy patted Carl's head before walking to the corner Daryl was standing in, standing beside him, letting out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding in.

"Ivy, I'm gonna be a big brother, you're gonna have another nephew or niece!" Carl said excitedly, hugging Ivy's side. Ivy forced a smile, looking over to Daryl who was already looking back. She wanted to be happy for the kid, but a part of her knew what it could mean. Pregnancy can mean death for the mom if there isn't a proper doctor, or the baby could die easily from sickness or lack of food in this world. Or the mere screams of a baby could lead a herd to kill them all. Daryl could see the slight worry in her eyes as Carl walked away to sit with his mom, so, although he didn't want to, he bumped his side into hers. She looked up at him with her large hazel orbs, giving him a smile, bumping back into him.

"Everyone should get to bed, they will be back soon. They probably got side tracked trying to get him back, or are maybe clearing the town of supplies." Ivy wanted everyone to keep calm, people randomly running off was no good. She let out a slight sigh of relief when the group agreed, before following Daryl to their tent.

"Is there ever peace in this group?" She asked him as she kicked her boots off, earning a scoff from the man.

"No peace in this damn group." She laid back on her small pallet, looking up to the roof of the tent, rubbing the stray hairs away from her face. Daryl looked at the woman before forcing himself to turn away, laying on his side.

"Night, Daryl." She muttered before laying on her stomach.

"Night, Ivy." It took him a moment to reply but the word of goodnight made her smile. They soon both relaxed and fell asleep.

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