The Demon and Angel (2)

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"But before I say what deal it is, let me ask you this. Do you know the other person that was with you during your training in the white room, when you two were the only ones left?"


As soon I heard those words come out of his mouth, I was confused. Why should he ask something like this.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Just tell me if you remember the person or not."

Yes, I know who this man was referring to. It certainly has been a long time since I had last seen her back then in the white room. Despite being a long time since I last saw her, I still remember what she looks like and how she acts.

"Yes, I know the person well if that's what your saying."

She was different from everyone and it's in a good way actually. I would be lying if I said I didn't envy her.

When we first started our training back in the white room, I was in so much pain. I always cry every day because of how hard we had to push ourselves. I was weak at that time and I always had the thought I would not survive back in that place, but one day, when I was crying back in the corner, she approached me.

That was the first time we have talked to each other. I still can't forget the words she said to me back then.

"You shouldn't give up and always try again or else you'll lose sight of yourself.

I remember those words as clear as day. She said that while smiling at me. Ever since that day, we talked to each other from time to time, actually pretty much everyday when we had a bit of free timely It might not be a lot of time we spend talking to each other, but it changed my life if I had to say so for myself.

"You might think that it might have been a weird question for me to say, but it's important. When you two were the only ones left, I saw that you guys talking to each other, and you were quite close with one another despite you throwing your emotions away."

Looking at it back then, it was true. When I decided to throw my emotions away, that's when I started showing growth, slowly surpassing everyone at a rapid rate. Despite me being able to surpass everyone, I still talked to her. It also didn't stop her from talking to me, despite me not worrying about anyone but myself.

I mean the topic of our generation was pure individualism, so it would make sense for us to only care for ourselves, but she wasn't like that. She still talked to people and worry about others, and yet she was able to keep her emotions. She was able to keep it and not broke down like others. That's something she has that no one would ever have back in that place.

"What's your point then? Surely you didn't just say this without a reason."

"Do you remember back then when she wasn't back there anymore? What do you think is the reason why she wasn't there?"

Now that's something that I wasn't expecting nor him to say. This happened when I was 12 years old. When I didn't see her anymore, I always thought that she might have died due to the fatigue of those trainings. Though, that can't be the reason why since she didn't look exhausted or show any signs of fatigue. The other reason might have been killing herself since she had found out she won't get freedom. She always said that she wanted to see the outside world.

After she was no longer back in the white room, there was feeling within me. For a long time in years, that is when I realized I didn't want to be alone. She had changed my life. I didn't notice it back then because of how the white room taught us, but when I look back at it today, I could say this for certain, she was someone special to me. She was the only person that was still able to make me smile despite throwing my emotions away.

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