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I open the door to see Izzy with a smirk on her face.She juggles the keys around her finger.

"Nice to see you again boss"."Izzy.I would say the same thing but I would be lying".

"Ouch!And to think I clean all of your cars for you and keep them new"."And to think I gifted you a garage for you to work on your other clients along with my cars".

She thinks and says "Touche.Have a great day!".

She drops the keys in my hand before walking over to a black car.She gets in and they drive away.

"Who was at the door?"."Are you ready?".

"Uh yea".

I hold my hand out and she smiles.She locks the door behind her and takes my hand.I walk her to the car and her eyes go wide.

"Woah..this is nice".

I open the door for her and she kisses my cheek as she gets in.I blush slightly and walk over to the drivers side.I put the restaurant in the gps and start driving.

"Have you driven it before?"."Yea one time.I told my uncle I wasn't interested in cars but he would gift me a sports car for christmas all the time".

"Christmas is is two months.Are you ready for next one?"."Oh don't remind me".

She laughs and puts her hand in thigh."What about you?".She tilts her head and says "Every Christmas my parents give me the usual.Money".

"Do they come down-"."-I haven't seen my parents in 2 years".

My eyes go wide and I say "I had no idea"."Yea I don't have the best relationship with them.My father is the CEO of-".

"-Hasting Law Firm".

Saylor nods her head and says "And my mother is a neurologist.So they never really have any time to spend with me.I get that they are busy"."They should call at least".

"Well my parents never been the type to go over the bare minimum"."I'm sorry".

"It's fine baby.They live here in LA and still don't make a effort to see me"."What?!I was thinking they lived far away.You're telling that they live in this state and they don't make time for you?".

"They are shit parents.It's always been like that".I sigh and she smiles softly.

"It doesn't matter"."It does matter.Say you're amazing.They are crazy for not wanting a relationship with you".

She smiles and kisses my cheek."Thanks baby but I'm not going to make a effort to people who don't appreciate me".

I nod my head as we pull up at the restaurant.I pull up to the valet and get out.I hold the door for Saylor and she takes my hand.She intertwines it and we walk into the restaurant.

"Hello how may I help you?"."I am in the Bazin party".

"Oh great!Follow me".The hostess's takes us over to the table and I smile."There you are.How does the car drive?".


I hold the chair out for Saylor and she sits down beside me.I sit down beside her and smile at Justin who was beside me.

Mia was on the other side of Saylor.Saylor holds my hand under the table and I smile.

"Ooh bitch this breakfast sounds good".

I look down at the menu and Saylor points her finger at the French toast.

"They are the best.I used to go here with Mia's parents all the time"."Hmm well I am feeling sone French toast".

She smiles and says "I am too".The waiter walks over and takes a our drink orders and asks "Are we also ready to order?".

"Ahhh yes"Uncle says.

We say our orders and the waiter walks away."Fuck"Saylor murmurs.I glance over to her and look at the entrance.

"What is it?".She grips my hand and says "My parents".

I look over to them and notice another girl walking with them."Whose she?"."Why.Do you think she's hot".

I glance back over to the girl and raise my eyebrow.Blonde hair.But instead of light hazel eyes like Saylor,she had blue.

"Hmm nope.Not my type".

She sigh in relief and says "That's my half sister"."Half..sister?".

Mia groans and says "What is your parents and that bitch Ryland doing here?".I lean forward and glance at Mia.

"So I take it you don't like her?"."I fucking hate her".

"Any reason why?".Saylor frowns and says "She's a brat.Her mother passed away when she was young so she entered our family when she was 8.She loves to manipulate my mother into buying her all kinds of things by playing the pity card".

"Ew"I say turning up my nose."Yea well that's my sister.As much as I don't want to like her,I have no choice but to".

"Wait so you haven't seen her in two years?"."Pretty much".

"This is going to be one hell of a reunion then"Justin says."No time like the present".

"And you get to flex that your dating a billionaire"Justin points out.Saylor rolls her eyes and says "I'm not with him for his money,Justin".

"Of course not!But it is a good addition".I look closer and see they were headed towards us.

"Fuck.They are you going to sit right beside us".I move her hand to my face and kiss it softly."Relax Say".

She smiles brightly at me and says"Thanks Andy"."Ew.I'm going to puke in my mouth"Liam says.

"Uh who invited you anyways?"."Well Justin did.You know since you were going to completely forget about me".

"We didn't forget.We just weren't going to invite you.Two very different things"Mia says.

I watch as Saylor's family sits down right across from us.Her father notices first and stares at her.He then gathers attention from his wife and daughter.Saylor ignores this as the waiter comes back with our breakfast.

"Well that is quick"."Tip top service if I say so myself"Uncle says.

"Right.The food gets here pretty quick"I say."Wait what did you get again?".


I eye it and Saylor rolls her eyes playfully.She cuts a piece off and puts it on a fork.I smile and take it off the fork.

"Good?".I nod my head and she looks at me."Blueberry cheesecake".


I nod my head and cut a bite for her.I put it on the fork and she bites it.She nods her head and says"I should've gotten that"."It is good,isn't it".

She nods her head and I hear someone clear their throat."Saylor".

Saylor looks up annoyed and says "Father"."Who are these people?".

Uncle clears his throat and says "I am-".-"He wasn't asking you old man"Isaak adds.


"More importantly who are you,feeding my daughter?"."I'm-".

"-He's my boyfriend"."Really?That loser"Ryland says amused.

"Loser?"Mia asks.Saylor rolls her eyes and says "You wouldn't know.I don't expect you to understand".

"What is that supposed to mean"."Saylor don't be mean to your sister".

"What?She literally she called her sisters boyfriend a loser?!?!Why are you only saying shit to Saylor"Liam says."Does my parenting have anything todo with you?".

"Apparently it isn't good enough"I say.

Saylor's eyes go wide and she smiles at me.

Opposites Don't Attract(DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now