Authors Note

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All rights reserved to Shannon Messenger

Fan art by used by SunsetSket cheZ

Hi it's me!If you don't know me already I also wrote another story. Maybe you could check it out (insert 😉)

Anyways, I am a huge, huge, big, huge KotLC lover. Especially a Sokeefe lover! I'm more than happy to creat this story. (Insert 😃)

I'll probably write every Thursday. Yes, I know I'm so devoted. But I also have another story I'm working on so I'd that makes you happy, good!

I absolutely love comments so don't be afraid to drop a positive one! Definitely do not be afraid to correct my spelling and grammar errors! I make A LOT of them. I probably made some in this authors note. Oops.

On another note, I am so, so, SO happy that you chose to read this one shot. (Because there's a lot of them)

Okay, so I hope you enjoy this story that I put all my sweat. Blood, and tears into.

-Balletswancracker (insert super happy face emoji)

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