Chapter 2

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Friday was our last day of classes. We would have exams the following week and then summer vacation. Everyone was very excited to be free of school for a few weeks.

We had maths first and Mr Walsh let us revise on our own. He had given us a lot of revision questions for each topic, so there was a lot for us to do.

In biology, Ms Simms gave us the first half of the lesson to revise however we liked, though she strongly recommended using practise test questions, and then we did a kahoot to 'consolidate our learning'.

The Spanish exam would be a reading comprehension, so most people spent the lesson looking at the vocabulary we had learnt or the practise readings Ms Sanchez had given us.

Mr Greene reminded us that we would have to write a guided literary analysis in the English exam. We would get a poem or a passage of prose and have to analyse it. We wouldn't have access to a scaffold, so Mr Greene went through it with us in the lesson. Claire took notes diligently, but the rest of us just zoned out.

There was no health and PE exam so we had a pretty relaxed health lesson. Mr Hanner asked if anyone wanted to do the condom activity again and we all said no, so we played health hangman on the whiteboard and guessed Mr Hanner's relationship status (he was single, or so he said).

Everyone cheered when the bell went. No more classes until the next school year. I was dreading exams, but I couldn't wait for the holidays. There were 3 exam slots every day, so a person could have up to three exams in a row. Monday was our SWOTVAC day on which we could stay home and revise. On Tuesday would be the science exams. On Wednesday, I would have the English exam, followed by the Spanish exam. The maths exam was on Thursday. Friday was the humanities exams. The arts, technologies, and health and PE didn't have exams. Thank goodness.

I would have to study all weekend if I wanted to do well in my exams. It wasn't that I didn't pay attention in class; I just don't do well under pressure. I know; it's a miracle that I'm still alive.


The biology exam was really hard. There were questions from all the different topics and an extended response question at the end. I had the option to explain photosynthesis or transcription and translation. I chose transcription and translation.

It wasn't that the time for the exam was too short, it's just that the questions were difficult. I'm sure I lost at least 10 marks.

The biology exam had been at the start of the day, starting at 8:45 am, so we had all had to arrive normal time. The chemistry exam would be second and the physics exam was after that.

I could have gone home after my exam, but chose to stay at school instead. I sat at a table in the school library, surrounded by textbooks, and tried to study.

Sasha was sitting on the other side of the room reading through her notes. She had come in after me and didn't seem to notice that I was there. I genuinely considered sneaking up on her and jumping out from behind the bookshelves, but she would probably freak out. It would just be mean.

Mandy came in after her chemistry exam and sat down with Sasha. They were sitting on the floor on cushions and Sasha held her notes between them so that they could both read. Mandy's eyes slowly filled with tears and she whispered, "Nick used to write notes for history."

Was she serious? Didn't everyone take notes for history?

Sasha took Mandy's hand and squeezed it. "Do you want me to put them away?"

"No; we need to study." Mandy wiped her eyes and swallowed. "Actually, maybe you could look at the notes and quiz me?"

Sasha nodded. "Sure." She scanned the notes for something to ask a question about. "Do you want to explain Pearl Harbour?"

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