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Cathy looked for a good OB-Gyne doctor three towns away from her home. She can't just let the world know about her situation yet. Just not yet.

She found a cozy clinic owned by a female doctor when she searched the net last night. She'll be heading there this afternoon after her last subject. She's thankful of her Dad for giving her her car as a birthday gift last year. She is able to go anywhere without dragging anyone with her specially now.

She isn't really good at driving but at least she can drive. She is a slow driver though.

Her ex-boyfriend once told her it's as if he's attending a funeral whenever she's the one who drives.

She smiled bitterly with this memory.

 'I should never think of him anymore. I should move on.'  But how? She is now even pregnant with his child!

She was a school Orator and her ex-boyfriend happened to be one of the judges in the competition she entered last year. From then on, after winning the first place award, he became her constant date-secretly. 

She is famous in her school because of her talents in Writing and Orating. She is an active member of the school paper ever since her primary school days. But despite of her being too articulate in English at school activities, she is actually introvert. She has no closed friends at school. She is a loner by default. And that personality of hers caught the attention of the youngest politician of their province. The Vice Governor himself.

Ring.... ring.... ring....

She pickep-up the phone on her side and hanged it up. She isn't in the mood to answer any calls right now.

  "Cathy!" a knock from her door made her woke up. She didn't even realized she have fallen asleep. She stared at her wall clock. It's 9:00 o'clock in the evening.

"Cathy!" Another knock. She got up of bed and answered her door. It's her Mom.

"There's someone looking for you outside." Her Mom looks excited and it made her sick on her stomach.

"Just tell whoever that is to come back some other time, Mom." She said frowning.

"Why, my dear? Come on, I told him you're here." She sounds like a teenager just having a first crush.

"Alright. Who was it?" She asked impatiently while pulling on a sweatshirt to put on top of her pajamas. She isn't in the mood to change clothes anymore.

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