Chapter 4

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Beomgyu held two bags in his hand, struggling against the fact that they were paper. He groaned annoyingly, cursing that his local iHop was insistent on using paper bags with no handles. He questioned why he even went out of his way to get ready and walk to iHop just for pancakes. Suddenly his appetite was depleted. 

"Hope Taehyun Ah like pancakes," he mumbled to himself. He contemplated leaving his portion on the side of the road so that he only had to carry one bag to deal with. It would be a lot easier to manage. Just as he wondered, he felt his phone rumble. He noticed someone must've texted him, but he couldn't respond until he was back at Taehyun's dorm. 

Yet, that one rumble turned into two, then three, four, five. Beomgyu counted how many times his phone rumbled. He got up to twenty five, after that he lost count, "Who the hell is blowing up my damn phone." 

Eventually, it got so insufferable that he placed the bags on the ground and opened his phone, preparing to curse out the person who was spamming him. Yet his anger soon faded into confusion. It was Taehyun, "What is he? Is being kidnapped or something?" Beomgyu mumbled to himself.


Taehyunnie 💙

Hyun I'm alive are you good? 💀

Oh where are you?

I'm down the road I was just picking up breakfast for us
Did you think I left you

Well maybe yeah

Did you have a bad dream

No I slept fine


"Then why are you spamming me?" Beomgyu asked out loud, but he reframed from texting that. 


Okay I'll be there in the like 10 mins

You're walking now?

Yeah I couldn't take Soobin's car cuz he's asleep still

Let me meet you half way then which direction did you go?

I'm okay Taehyun its only 10 mins no need to meet me
Take that time to get ready for the day
Did you take a shower and brush your teeth

Well no

You were going to leave the dorm without doing any of that 😑

I guess I'll see you in 10 then

Yep see you then love you Hyunnie 🧡



Beomgyu stared annoyingly at Taehyun's last message. Just a heart, and nothing else. As Beomgyu put his phone back in his pocket, picked up the bags of food, and started walking again, his mind wasn't on how annoying iHop was for their bags. He thought back to how Taehyun avoided his kiss last night.

His heart felt like it was drowning when he thought back to it, and not in a loving way. Taehyun would show him every other affection, hugging and clinging, but let it be a simple kiss or a confession and he'd run away. Beomgyu wasn't completely tone death, he noticed how closed off Taehyun suddenly became whenever Beomgyu would announce his love for him. He found it ironic how easily the words slipped out when Taehyun was on the verge of death, but now his lips remained zipped.

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