Map B*tch

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Kylie's Pov

Honestly I don't wanna go back to school.

Last term was so embarrassing especially after how I got back with Dusty aka my long time boyfriend and clearly I don't have feelings for him anymore but I guess we both did it for reputation or something.

I can't even break up with him cause there's no reason to.

I just wanna get over this day and go back to being the real me you know just be me.

"Kylie get your ass out of bed before I burn your food!"

Oh hey there, you must be confused

That's my mom Paige Gregor, she used to be a Hollywood actress until she fell flat on her face like literally.

But now she's the owner of a multi-billion dollar company with branches located in Africa, Asia and Australia, but she can be such an ungrateful bitch sometimes.

Thank God I took from my father.

Speaking of my father he was a good man infact he was a great father and husband until he died, I miss him but I have to move on, for his sake.

"Kylie!" I quickly got out of my trans, I took out a pair of my white sneakers and my high-waisted jeans with a tie-dye crop top.

As soon as I finished dressing I ran as fast as I could down the thousands of steps finally sitting on the dinning table.

"So what do you want, bacon or blueberry."

I looked at the pancakes and look directly at the blueberry "Blueberry."

"Sorry I don't eat fatty things so the bacon yours." my mother grins.

I glared at her then ate the pancake grabbing my bag as I hear a hoot outside.

Must be Dusty.

I run out of the house screaming "Bye mom!" then entered Dusty's car.

"Hey babe." I give Dusty a quick peck on the lip.

"Hey, do I not get a full kiss for being your driver?" I giggle at his comment then say "I'll think about it."

Two words Fake Love

Dusty chuckles then starts driving "So umm are you like free tonight?"

"It depends on what we're doing." Dusty places a hand on my thigh sending butterflies too my stomach.

I take a deep breath to calm myself down then I look at him "Sure, but we will have to do the usual ritual you know."

"Ofcourse we will sing our song before we do the good stuff." Dusty joked.

I smiled as he kept his hand on my thigh making sure I was always with him like he would lose me if he stopped but that's what scared me the most losing him to the stupidest thing, even if this relationship wasn't genuine I still felt I would be lost without him.

But deep down I just don't wanna be alone again.

Dusty parked his car in his so called reserved parking space making me look out spotting Ant and Spider walking towards us.

"Babe I'll be back I need to go to the lo."

Dusty squeezed my hand while saying "Well if you need anything I'll be with the boys okay?"

I smiled then pecked his lip again "Don't worry love I'll be okay and I'll be back as soon as I'm done, so don't stress."

I got out of the car making my way to the the girls toilets making sure there was noone in them.

I quickly pulled up my shirt unvaling the bruise on my waist.

I took out a bandage rapping it around my waist.

"Oi! There's a fully hacked sex map in the old stairwell! It's called the incest map!"

I shrugged the loud scream off walking towards the old stairway when I was blocked by Dusty "Babe you don't need to see that I mean it's just some fake map somebody made."

"Yeah well that means that I can see it doesn't it." I defended.

Something was weird about how he was acting and I was going to find out.

"Damn Dusty, you fucked the whole grade man!"

My heart dropped at that comment and Dusty looked down making it easier for me to go past him and there it was the map with his name connected to multiple girls in our grade.

"Fake map huh? Fuck you Dusty, we're over."

I ran out of the room tears streaming down my face he basically cheated on me and he was the one person I truly cared about in this crazy school.

"Kylie I can explain!" I just ignored him and walked off far away from him

~time skip~

I walked towards the hall taking a seat in the middle section calming myself down.

"Kylie babe, please give me another chance to prove myself to you that I love yo-"

I walked to another seat cutting him off as Harper walked into the hall.

She cut her hair? Well it looks cool.

She spotted me then took a seat on a empty seat next to me.

Harper sat next to me then said "Hey umm after this can I talk to you?"

I nodded at her in response.

"I'm a woke woman people, I like sex as much as the next person does..."

The principles words faded into the background as my hand started twitching and I could only hear a certain ring in my ears then my vision was getting darker by the second until Harper held my hand snapping me out of it.

"You okay?" I smiled reassuring her that I was fine.

As soon as all the scolding was done Harper and I left the hall while Amerie tried to get our attention but we soon arrived a more quieter place to talk.

"Me and Amerie did the map, and I'm sorry you and Dusty had a falling out but I wanted to tell you this cause I have always wanted to be your friend but the fact that you are you know... Cooler stopped me and now is my only chance even if I know you are mad at m-"

"Relax Harper, I'm not mad, well atleast I'm not mad at you I'm mad at Dusty he's the one who cheated and you busted him so I'm not mad at all in fact if I didn't find out I would still be with him... So thanks Harpie."

Harper smiled then said "C-can I hug you?"

I rapped my arm around her waist as she did the same.

"This is nice."

"Very nice"

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