Meet Vincent

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"Why hi there~ I'm Vincent. I'm a murderer. Yes, I know, it's hard to keep it a secret. Huhahehghahu! Sorry, I have a cold, or I'm love sick. Yeah, I'm probably love sick. Anyway, yeah, I murdered five children, or was it more? I can't remember. I've worked at Freddy Fazbears Pizza for a while now. It's great, I mean, you can't beat free pizza! Recently I was told to work alongside this dude called Scott. He's also known as the Phone Guy, he calls new security guards and informs them on what to do and stuff. The guards always quit, so it's just me and him until someone else applies. He's always nervous when he calls them, it's cute. Except when he just won't stop talking, like, he won't shut up! He'd go on and on and on, all through the night. Then he'd complain to me that people keep muting his call! I've developed quite a bit of a crush on the guy, well, I maybe a tiny bit obsessed, but I love him. -sigh- I just wish he liked me back though, y'know?"

"Who the heck are you talking too?!" Scott burst though the door with two cups of tea in hand and a pizza box balancing on his head. "Oh, I was just uh, recording a video for YouTube, yeah." Scott gave Vincent a suspicious look as he placed their midnight snack down. Vincent put his camera away as fast as he could. "riiiiiight, you, a YouTuber? Well, I guess you are kinda good looking." Vincent blushed bright red. "I know, right?! I'm so handsome, I'd get all the views. You uh, didn't hear anything I said, did you?" Vincent scratched the back of his head nervously. "Nah bro I was in the kitchen, all I heard was mumbling. You'll show me this video when you're done though, right?" Scott cheerfully said as he picked up his cup to take a sip. "Uh, yeah, of course!" Vincent grinned insanely.

*Scott's POV*

"I regret telling him he was good looking, he might think I like him. But you do like him. Ah, I know, I know. I really like him. I already know he likes me, he's crazy for me. But he's a murderer, he murdered five children, maybe even more, he's insane! But those bright eyes, his long, scruffy hair he ties back, that smile- Agh! Stop thinking about him like that, Scott. I wish I could tell him, but I cannot let myself fall in love with a murderer.

"HOLY F****!" Vincent shouted, making me almost jump out of my seat, disrupting my thoughts. "What? Is one here already?!" I panicked. "THIS TEA IS AMAZING!!" Cried Vincent. I blushed. "R-really? Uh, thanks?" Vincent checked a few cameras just to make sure we were safe. Thankfully he can't see me blush through my red phone head, can he? "I knew you'd make the perfect cup of tea one day, and that day, is today!" Vincent said cheerfully as he gulped down the apparently perfect tea. Was he being serious? Me? Not messing things up for once? I find that hard to believe. I'll remember to add two more sugars for Vincent next time. "Chica's in the kitchen, lucky you got out on time." Said Vincent, showing all his shiny teeth. "Aha, yeah." The way he smiled was kinda creepy, but there was something about him that I really liked.

*Authors POV*

5:59am and Scott was falling asleep while Vincent ferociously skipped through all the cameras. "Ok... 6am, rolling around any time now. Come on baby, let's go 6am don't got all night! Everybody just, uh, stay in your designated places. No need to come into the back office!" Suddenly a bell chimed and confetti was thrown all around the office. "Yes!" Cried Vincent, waking Scott up. "Who does this anyway?" Scott said as he blew a piece of confetti from his face. Vincent chuckled. "I hate how it gets all in my hair, maybe one day they'll run out." He said.

A few minutes later, Vincent grabbed his purple jacket, ready to head home. "I'll see you tomorrow then, Phoney." Vincent grinned and leaned in to kiss Scott on his cheek. Scott blushed, but moved his head away as if disgusted. He cannot show that he likes it. Vincent looked sad, but he hid it very well by smiling like a maniac, Scott knew it upset him, though. "Well then I guess I should be going... oh, by the way, I think I know of a way to keep the power on all night, maybe we could... have some fun? Haha, see you later, baby~" And soon enough Vincent was gone. "Have some fun?" Scott mumbled to himself. "What kind of fun?" He got a little scared, but excited at the same time. Scott grabbed his coat and walked home.


Authors note

Hi~ this is my first story on Wattpad, feedback is greatly appreciated c: let me know if you want more! -Kitty

IG: its_me_vincent_

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