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armin stares at eren with a passive scowl as he watches him fall back into the couch and rest his feet on the coffee table. he's staring down at his big hands with his eyebrows furrowed and his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. eren is thinking deep and hard, the hardest armin has ever seen him think. but he remains quiet. the blond patiently waits for eren to spill.

it takes eren a moment to gather his thoughts, but when he does, he's talking and talking. he's talking low and quiet, telling armin everything he's ever thought about doing with y/n. he tells him everything—every little detail—from how he's thought about blowing her back out to how he imagined fucking her right in front of armin. he tells him everything about how he's pictured fucking y/n in armin's bed, and he tells him everything about how he even went far enough to picture y/n carrying his baby.

armin knows eren like the back of his hand. he's known him since they were babies, so it would only make sense if he knew everything there was to know about the jeager boy. armin even knows eren's kinks. eren is a sucker for breeding.

when he's done talking, armin turns back to do what he was doing before. they continue setting up for the party until y/n comes down to help. then, all three of them clean up the house and set out drinks and little appetizers. when they were done, they gathered in the kitchen to pregame.

there was no way any of them would be sober by the time people started to show up.

y/n lifts herself up onto the kitchen island and patiently waits for someone to give her a drink. she'll accept whatever either of the guys gives her with open arms.

she watches eren pull a bottle of clear alcohol from the fridge then divvy it up into shot glasses. they all grab a glass and down the vodka without a second though. they do this a few times before settling on red solo cups full of their favorite alcohol.

"so i was thinking," eren starts with a low chuckle, "how 'bout after everyone leaves tonight, we have a spa night? i think we'll deserve it, don't you?"

y/n snorts and rolls her eyes, "that's if you're still awake by then."

"fifty bucks says he'll be asleep before nine." armin proposes with a smirk. he brings his cup to his lips and takes a sip of his drink.

"deal!" y/n laughs.

right before eren's very eyes, they hit their cups together to seal the deal. after, they drink.

"you guys are horrible." eren huffs.

"you're just saying that because you know we're right." armin states in a matter-of-fact tone.

the jeager boy only hums.

soon enough, the rest of eren's friends show up and following them are familiar faces from school. eren doesn't bother greeting them all.

by eight, eren's house is trashed. the music is loud and people are happy.

"this is exactly what i needed." mikasa groans, dipping her head back to down the rest of her drink.

"especially after this past week." sasha finishes. she throws a chip back into her mouth, the loud sound of her smacking her lips and a chip crunching loud enough to cover that of the loud music upstairs.

instead of partying upstairs with the rest of the kids from school, y/n and her friends have gathered downstairs in eren's basement to just sit, smoke, and drink. it's better than getting thrown up on by some stranger. everyone's down here. there's armin and y/n, of course, with mikasa, sasha, and eren. connie went upstairs a little while ago to get food.

eren's basement is rather large considering he practically lives in a mansion. there's a game room and a small storage area where they keep all of their junk. they're currently seated in behind the stairs in the storage area so that if anyone were to come down, they wouldn't immediately see them.

armin and y/n are seated on the l-shaped couch with eren, but they're seated in the corner while eren sits on the other end. mikasa and sasha are on the ground in front of the couch scrolling through pinterest, looking at tattoo ideas and what not.

the sound of the basement door slamming is followed by the sound of feet stomping down the basement steps, grabbing everyone's attention.

" i come bearing gifts!" connie announces. he turns to show off the two boxes of pizza he snatched from upstairs. he also brought an unopened case of beer.

y/n perks up, "connie you're a life saver! i'm starving."

"you're always hungry." sasha giggles.

everyone drops what they're doing to give her a look, silently asking if she's serious or not. connie rolls his eyes, "right and i'm a baboon. anyways, how would y'all feel about playing a game of truth or dare?"

"dude we aren't kids anymore." eren scoffs. he leans back into the old couch with a yawn.

armin hands him a blunt and he happily takes it, inhaling a deep cloud of the heavy smoke and allowing it to settle in his lungs.

"i think it could be fun." y/n says with a shrug.

"i'm down." mikasa says.

"me too!" sasha shouts.

eren glares at his friends. how childish. he finds himself thinking.

connie sets the pizzas and beef down on the coffee table in front of the couch then plops down in the old recliner.

"we aren't children so don't give stupid, childish dares. there are no limitations to the dares you can give." connie says as he wiggles his brows with a smirk, "if you wanna dare someone to strip, do it. questions?"

no one says anything, so connie takes the initiative to go first. "okay, okay! hm... mikasa!"

mikasa looks up from sasha's phone, "what?"

"truth or dare."

"dare." she says without a second thought.

connie smirks, "i dare you to make out with eren's foot."

armin and y/n share a look of disgust.

y/n gags, "that's so gross, con. she could get some nasty disease if she does that."

"yeah, really. give her another one." armin huffs.

eren scoffs, "you guys are so mean. my feet aren't that bad."

"does it matter which foot?" mikasa asks, stunning everyone.

y/n's jaw drops and her eyebrows knit together. "you can't be serious, mikasa!"

the ackerman girl shrugs, "it's just a dare. i'm not gonna die."

"okay, then do it. do the dare." connie says while leaning back, a mischievous smirk playing on his face.

mikasa grabs eren's right foot and pulls it closer to her mouth. before she can remove the sock, y/n gets up from her spot against armin. "yeah, no thanks. i'm gonna go use the bathroom." she tells everyone, a look of pure disgust on her face.

instead of going to the bathroom like she said she would, y/n decides to go upstairs to get a drink. she's not a big fan of beer like everyone else. she's more of a hard liquor girly. vodka and rum are more her speed instead of bud light or white claw.

she quickly finds herself upstairs in the kitchen pouring herself a rum and coke. y/n hums a sound of satisfaction upon tasting the different flavors. a quick glance at the time tells her that she's been away for a little over a minute and a half. she almost doesn't want to go back down.

when she gets back downstairs, y/n immediately realizes that she should've stayed upstairs.

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