Venison: a Radioapple Christmas special

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                  At the moment, the king of Hell was drunk. Very drunk. The day was December 15, and for the first time ever, Hell was celebrating Christmas, at the insistance of Charlie Magne. Lucifer had decided to go to the Happy Hotel, just to hang out and talk to the residents. However, a cat man with red wings had convinced him to have a drink, and now Lucifer was rambling incoherently to the Radio Demon, who appeared to also be drunk. While he was rambling, he mentioned that "A rubber duckie with a pentagram painted with the blood of an overlord would be the one thing in Hell that would really be truly touching." Of course, he said it with a lot of slurred speech and restarting the sentence, and laughing as if someone had told a hilarious joke. After an hour of incoherent speech and terrible jokes, Lucifer slowly fell asleep. Alastor made sure Lucifer was fully asleep, and he shook his hair, fixing it. He rubbed his eyes, trying to erase the dark circles. He had just pretended to be drunk, to see what his rival would blab. But a lot of the stuff he had said wasn't what Alastor expected, and the most of it was touching, Lucifer had told Al things that would never escape the kings mouth if he wasn't drunk. Alastor decided not to let the king take a nap on the bar table, and carries him to one of the fluffy chairs near the bar. It was easy, as Lucifer was comically small. Alastor sets the sleeping demon on the chair, and walks away to go to his own room. The day before Christmas, Alastor had everything set up. He had decided to act on what Lucifer had said. He walks to the bathroom and stood in front of the sink, to make sure nothing got messy. He set the piece of rubber that Lucifer inexplicably collected onto the sink counter. Alastor raises his left shirt sleeve, and takes a deep breath. He raises his right hand and cuts his own arm. It wasn't a deep or long cut, but it was enough. He paints a pentagram on the duck with his own blood. However, he had no idea of the following events. In the first Christmas of Hell, the residents of the hotel send gifts to eachother. They all take place, and so does Alastor. The other demons who ran the hotel were surprised at his participating, but Charlie and Niffty were proud of him. At the Hell castle, Lucifer and Lilith had invited Charlie over for Christmas, but Charlie only came after watching the hotel residents. After the few presents were opened, there was one that oddly didn't have a sender on it. The tag only said, "to Lucifer" Charlie and Lilith were urging him to open it, but he shook his head.
"I think- I think I need to open this one in private. It just has a strange feel to it. Not normal, you know?" They nod, understanding what he said, and he walks away to another room. He opens it, and his eyes widen. "How..?" He had never said to anyone what he had wanted most. Never! Not unless... he remembered going to the bar at Charlie's hotel. Maybe he had gotten drunk and said something? No, he never drank! Most oddly, the blood wasn't even dry. This was sent recently. He swiped his finger over one of the drips, and licks the blood. His eyes narrow. Tastes like venison.. VENISON!? He realized who the sender was, sets the duck down on the arm of his chair, and runs out of the room. He races out of the palace, forgetting that he could teleport. The blood was definitely from yesterday, and yesterday was an extermination day! Wounds did wierd things if they were opened on Extermination days... how did the Radio Demon himself not know that?! He finally got to the hotel and knocked on the door frantically. He didn't know why he was so worried, Alastor was his rival, after all. He wanted to turn back, but as he was about to leave, the small grey girl who was Vagatha opened the door. After seeing the king of Hell at the door, she says,
"Sorry, your Majesty, Charlie isn't here right now." Lucifer says,
"that's not what I'm here about, I need to talk to Alastor. Vaggie shrugs.
"That piece of dead rat? Your choice." She walks off, leaving the door open. Lucifer tries to act calm, and not worried, as he walks through the place, to the rooms. However, as he was about to enter the hallway, he hears a radio voice behind him.
"What are you doing here, your majesty?" Putting a slight effect on 'your majesty' Lucifer spins around and demands, "did you cut yourself yesterday?!" Alastor narrows his eyes.
"So that's what this is about. Yes, what of it?"
Lucifer hisses,
"you fool, and I thought you knew things about Hell! You don't cut yourself on Extermination day, idiot!" Alastor shrugs and says,
"that's just some Hell superstition. But that was what you wanted, was it not?" Lucifer says, slightly quieter, and confused,
"How did you.." he trails off. Alastor replies,
"Well, it had to do with you getting drunk and me pretending to be drunk to get information. Had to spice up the rivalry somehow, no?" Lucifer growls annoyedly
"Is the rivalry ALL YOU CARE ABOUT!?" Alastor says calmly,
"Well, I learned some very interesting things that day." Lucifer's face gets a bit hot.
"...what... did you hear?" Alastor shrugs, laughs a bit, and says,
"Well, I'd rather keep that to myself." Lucifer worries. Oh no, what did I say?
"What did I say?? Please tell me, if I said something that I shouldn't have, I want to at least KNOW!" Lucifer asks, fearing what he said. What if he told Alastor about.. no, he shouldn't think that. Alastor chuckles nervously,
"Ah, well, I'm sure you'd rather not.. you said some rather.. interesting... things." Lucifer tensed. Oh no. He had said something he shouldn't have. As he was right about to explain that he had been drunk, and of course he didn't mean any of what he had said, Charlie returns. Lucifer teleports back to the castle. Charlie says to the demons who were looking at her, surprised at her sudden entrance,
"I convinced them! There's gonna be a dance here! I'm going to tell my family, but I wanted to tell you guys first! Bye! I'll be back soon!" The demons looked at each other, whispering things like, "A dance? Really? Here? Well we'll find things out for sure!" Husk starts laughing and says,
"well, we know for sure that Al won't want to come! HAAH!" Alastor glares at Husk for a moment, then says calmly,
"On the contrary, Husk, I will be here."

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