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It had been months yet the dreamy feeling of the church's existence still wandered.

There was no feeling of reality, it had been lost to time. There was absolutely no fucking way that that all this was reality.

The Ghouls were amazing, so is Papa, and the Sisters are still on the edge, but it makes it fun.

"Hey, you ever going to wake up and turn your fucking music down."


"Well then, I guess Sodo has absolutely no plans to go into town today..."

"Stop trying to bribe me to get up." They groaned and started to turn over. Aether paused and walked into the room. He sat on the bed and wrapped his arms around them.

They jumped and squirmed but calmed down once processing it was him. They pouted as Aether pulled them closer and scooped them away. They whined and grabbed the blanket.

"I just want it to be tour time already." They whined to Aether.

"Well, if you come to town with me and the Ghouls maybe it'll go faster. Also, you've got to act like a Ghoul on stage. Also learn how to attend to your corner of the stage."

"But I don't want to." They frowned. At this point Aether was grabbing their triceps and had their back mostly off the bed.

"Well, if you want to get dick jumped by Rain randomly or ass slapped by Papa, you might want to think otherwise."

"Fine. But you're carrying me, I'm too tired." They said and stopped struggling and falls to the floor.

"No, walk yourself."

"You all are so mean to me." They said and stood while chuckling.

"Yeah, yeah, come on." Aether laughed.

They entered the practice room. All the main stage Ghouls were around.

Mountain and the Ghoulettes were all in their rooms doing whatever.

"Okay, so basically when we're all on stage, it's much more horny and much worse than we are in real life."

Papa suddenly entered the room he rushed in and looked at them. "Yes, I'm late, shut up Swiss and Aether you both can't speak." He said. "Anyways. You all know X, their here now and I guess they need stage etiquette. X, why don't you say what you're okay with."

"I don't know."

"Do you slap the homies ass?" Swiss pipped up. X laughed and everyone else did too. "I'm serious. This is a very serious question." He giggled.

"Yeah, I guess. I don't care."

"Little bit of cock grabbin' with the bros?"

"Again, I guess."

"Small bit of tit rubs?"


"That's all we need, thank you very much. Everyone can go continue now."

"Oh, also, do we need to tell the fans any violating of boundaries things? Art, writing, shipping or something?" Papa asked.

"I don't know about shipping."

"Okay, we'll make sure that's good. Thank you, X. Remember, tour starts in two weeks. Be ready!" Papa called as they stood.

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