Chopper is alive and Ronnie apologizes

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Muskrat- Hey I have a question for you to ask him .

Mare- Yes ?

Muskrat- What is choosing a mate for them like from where they came from ?

Night thug: Yeah?

Scar and Celtic blush at that under their bio masks.

Wolf growled more.

Mare- He says well first: It's the females. Since some of them are bigger than males while the others are the same height as the males , The females are in charge of picking the best mate

Wither: Oh....

Porsha- Wait so girls rule the planet ?! Awesome !!

He growls again.

Mare- He says first off , how they choose the mate starts off with Young bloods like Celtic and Scar are. Since they're young bloods which are teenagers , they weren't allowed to choose a mate until after their first kill and after they mark themselves as blooded Yautja hunters , then they're allowed to choose a mate

Maisie: I see.

Ice cube: Sounds legit.

Then they see the body of Choppers*

Snips: Oh no...

Wolf growled he'll explain the rest later and went over to Choppers body from which where Predalien was born form and points at the hole in his chest

Maisie: Wait, your saying the Predalien was born from him?

Wolf nodded. And it has to be.

Snips grabs a stick and went over to Chopper

Priscilla- Snips what are you doing ?

Snips: Poking him if he's still alive.

Maisie: Snips *grabs the stick* Don't be ridiculous. Don't worry, the weaselings will bring him back to life.

When Snips pokes his chest Chopper miraculously wakes up roaring as the children scream while Wolf and the blooded Yautja jumped back slightly showing no fear

Tito: He's alive?!

Shrimp: He's a zombie!

Chopper then throws Snips across the tree

Snips dizzy: I'm okay...

Maisie: How is Chopper still alive?! His chest is open!

Choper places a glowing blue serum on his chest

Chopper growled.

Mare- He said he wasn't dead he was in a cima. Thanks for leaving his body behind by the way

Shrimp: Well don't scare us like that, we thought you were a zombie after your chest got chestbusted!

Chopper growled and went to slap him but Wolf gently stops him.

Mare- Now he's saying he just woke up. It's not his fault your runt of a friend was poking something that wasn't his !

Maisie: Okay he didn't mean to, but we have a bigger problem, we need to stop Predalien if we work together. If we work together, we might be able to defeat Predalien.

But she then realizes something and notices how Mare spoke to the predators. And the Predalien Queen is part predator

Maisie: Wait, Mare, do you think you can communicate with Predalien?

Mare looks at her

Mare- W--what ?

Maisie: Predalien is half predator, what if we tell her to stop being evil?

Mare- I'll try But she is part Xeno too. Xenomorphs are feral

Muskrat: And if Predalien doesn't want to be on the good side?

Cake: I say we cut her head off.

They look at him

Maisie: Let's not get to violent okay?

Cake: I was suggesting okay?

Maisie: Okay, let's go.

Back with Alex and Trixie*

The girls are still upset . Alex pets Appa.

Alex- I still can't bemieve she called me a whore

Trixie: Yeah....

Trixie snuggles Gosha

Ronnie and Racer came*

Alex and Trixie looked and glared.

Alex- Oh great. What does Ms. Pristine want ?

Trixie- Maybe to pick on us more

Ronnie looks down: Look, I'm sorry about my outburst, I didn't mean to go so far and hurt your feelings.

The girls look

Ronnie: I'm sorry for all the bad things I said.

Alex- Uh huh.

Trixie- Really ?

Ronnie: Yes really, do you want to be friends again?

The girls looked at each other and sighed.

Alex- Alright. I guess we can put this behind us.

Ronnie smiled and hugs them*

The girls smiled and hugged back as Racer Shredz and Wacko smiled at this.

With Jenny....

She's at home traumatized by the second rate event

Spike gave her a drink as Amazon and Flora watches*

Jenny- I can't believe it happened...... Again....

Spike: Shh... I'm here for you babe.

He sat down next to her. Jenny covers her face upset

Spike: It's okay babe, I'm here for you.

He notices the nice black sexy dress that she's wearing and Wild Blood made her wear

Spike: And to be honest, you look hot wearing that babe.

She looks at him

Spike kisses her arm*

She blushes and looks at hom

Flora smiles: Flora.

Jenny looks at her lover

Spike kisses her cheek*

Jenny blushes pink and smiles

Jenny- Hon...

Spike speaks

Spike: I love you so much babe.

Jenny- I love you too...

The two kiss.

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