Chapter 1: The Door To Another World

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This fight was easy for the brothers, Xero and 'Mila were having the times of their lives, when suddenly.. 

Xero awoke on a Kraang ship, she was kidnapped, this wasn't new to her, she could find a way out. But this part of the ship was new, Did they add a new wing to the ship? She thought to herself, but there wasn't mush time to think, she entered the ship's wing, and the hall was filled with multiple doorways.. She looked through one to find a flat, cartoon-y version of her team.. There was Mikey, Donnie, Leo, Raph, April, and Casey.. 

"Xero! Don't touch that door!-" Donnie shouts, the team came to her rescue, but, she fell through the frame, and ended up in another place..

She woke up on a couch.. Where was she? When did she get here? She looked around, Mikey, Raph, Leo, and Donnie were here too.


A tall turtle walks up behind the couch, "Uh, hi there, we did our best not to disturb you." He's wearing a red bandana like Raph's.. This is definitely NOT normal, not one bit. A purple turtle, with a jetpack, it seems, flies over as well, "Yeah, with Mikey's screaming and all, he can get pretty irritating, but he's our brother," he says, Xero looks to her  Mikey, he's alive, but.. Then who?.. 

She couldn't handle this information, it's like her head exploded.. She passed out.

"Well, ok.. BUT WHO THE HELL--" A blue turtle starts, the red one gives him a glare, "I mean heck-- ARE THEY, AND WHY DO THEY LOOK LIKE US?!"

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