Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

I sit in the seat, trying to regain my breath from what just happened, wondering if he felt what I did when he kissed me like that. Before I start the car, he leans his head toward my neck and kisses my neck twice. I hold back a moan when he kisses my neck one more time, his lips so soft, but almost sucking on my neck. “We can keep your brother at my mum’s house for a bit, you know Mariam,” he says under his breath while I turn out of the parking lot. I pretend I don’t hear him, but he puts his hand on my thigh. “Won’t you take me up on my offer darling?” He slowly moves his fingers toward my zipper, knowing exactly what reaction he’ll get from me. My arms start shaking, though luckily we’re at a stop sign, I try breathing slowly. “Is everything all right Mariam? Hmm? You seem a bit shaky,” he purrs in my ear.

“I-I-m fine. . .” I breathe heavily. He gives me a smirk. “Really—I’m quite all right Niall.” He knows I’m lying and starts unzipping my zipper on my jeans. “Niall. . .” He stares at me with an evil grin on his lips, unbuttons the button, and puts his hand on my underwear. Laughing darkly, he keeps going down my underwear with his hand. In my mirror I see a few cars behinds us, waiting for me to finally go, slamming on their horns. I pull his hand out of my jeans quickly.

“Well, wasn’t that fun?” he chuckles in my ear. When I get past the stop sign he keeps his focus on his window looking at everything but me. What kind of game is he playing here? “Keep your eyes on the road darlin’,” he glances at me. My eyes stay focused on the road the rest of the way to his mum’s house. “Let’s get this over with,” he sighs loudly as he gets out.

His mum is staring at us. Is that bad or good? I’m even more nervous than I thought I would be, her eyes watching us carefully. “Hi Niall, what’s up with your hand?” She points at his bandaged hand. “Are you gonna tell me what happened?”

“It’s nothing mum—don’t worry about it.” She gives a disapproving glance then Kaden runs out of the door into my arms.

“Were you good Kaden?” I pick him up in my arms for a few seconds. He smiles with all his teeth.

“Yeah—your boyfriend’s mum is super nice!” Oh no, he told her without meaning to that we are dating. This just got awkward real fast. “She gave me ice cream too!” he says hyperly.

“Oh, she did huh?” He shook his head fast. Niall, since there is no point in hiding anymore, holds my hand. I look at his mum. “Thank you for watching my little brother—I really appreciate it—I should take him home now.” I start walking away, but Niall grabs me by my arm.

“Didn’t you want to do something Mariam?” he smirks widely. Ugh, I really don’t want to do this, but I guess I have no choice, so I walk into his house holding his hand. “You’ll be fine Mariam just relax,” he whispers to me.

We take a seat at his kitchen table by his mum. My legs start shaking when she looks at him then me. I’m getting so nervous and Niall knows it too; he rubs my hand with his soft fingers to relax me a bit. “So how long has this been going on?” his mum asks curiously.

“A few days, why?”

“Just curious Niall—how’d you meet each other?”

“At the dance club around here I just saw her and knew I had to talk to her.” Talk to me? Sure, let’s go with that story. I hold back laughter from the fake story he’s currently telling his mum.

“Oh, so how old are you Mariam?”

“I’m seventeen, but I’m going to be eighteen July eleventh.” She smiles slightly approvingly. “Your son is,” I pause, “a very kind boy.” Even though that is somewhat of a lie it has some truth in it, he can be kind, at times.

“I would sure hope so I tried raising him right,” she smiles at him with care. “Your brother is very—rambunctious.” She starts laughing as my brother comes in doing some kind of fancy walk.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I ask him holding back laughter.

“I’m a famous movie star Mariam gotta do my strut.” He puffs his chest out this time and continues walking around the kitchen table. My little brother is adorable sometimes, his smile, the way he can be makes everyone around him happy.

He runs out into the living room screaming he’s superman, and we all start laughing, we can’t hold it back. “Your brother is quite the comedian,” Niall comments holding back a laugh. When he laughs again I can’t help but laugh too it’s contagious when he laughs. “Can you babysit him a bit longer mum? I have some plans with Mariam today.” Plans? No we don’t. What the hell is he talking about? Here we go again, another day, another adventure, another plan I don’t know about.

“Of course Niall, have fun you two,” she looks at Niall, “behave.” I feel myself blush because I know that word isn’t in his dictionary.

“Mum, really, I behave myself, I am a gentleman.” He gives me a quick glance my way with his sparkling blue eyes. “Ready Mariam?”

“Where are we going?”

“I thought we were going to a movie?” He looks at me with, “Go along with it,” on his lips.

“Yeah, we were going to watch that one romantic comedy weren’t we?” His mum doesn’t seem suspicious it looks like we’re getting away with this one.

“Okay, bye you two, see you soon.” Niall hugs his mum then we walk out of his house hand in hand.

What is he planning? He picks me up off my feet, it takes me by surprise, and I laugh a little. “See I can be a gentleman. Didn’t think I could be I bet, am I right? I am, don’t lie.”

“This is very surprising actually.” Before I can say any more words he puts his lips against mine. Soon, when we get more into the kiss, he holds me up straight, my legs wrap around his waist. He holds my back with his hands, steadying our kisses better. I can’t stop myself, and I pull onto his blonde hair when I kiss him back, it goes like that for a few minutes until we run out of breath. “Ready for that movie?” My legs start shaking, with smug satisfaction, he grins.

“I—think—so,” I pant loudly.

“Good because we aren’t watching a movie.” My mouth drops what seems like to the sidewalk. We’re not watching a movie?

“Then what are we doing?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I nod my head. “Too bad ‘cause it’s a top secret what I’m planning Mariam.” He still holds me and takes me into my house. Here we go again, Niall and me alone, in my house, probably up in my room.

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