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The globs of ink dropped from the sky, cascading down buildings and trees leaving small pools of dark on the ground below. The wind blew as a motorcycle pulled up to the café, the droplets throwing themselves at the man with great force as he parked under a shaded area and tried to quickly rush inside. As he walked in, the wind picked up, throwing the droplets at the window with desperation as to get inside.

The man walked inside the small café, it's the only one in the entire town of Eficilia but even then, it's almost empty. The atmosphere was warming, one side had a long row of bookshelves, filled to the brim with knowledge and stories. The place, however, had the aroma of freshly baked sweets, and the soft warm lights created a beautiful contrast with the beautiful yet simple décor.

The man took off his helmet, pushing back his slightly long black hair. He set his helmet down on his usual table before walking up to the counter where his two friends, Dystopia and Seraf stood making drinks and preparing sweets. When he got to the counter, he gave them a smile, happy to see them and he greeted them with a hello.

Catching Serfas attention, he looks up at him with a smile, happy to see him. "Ah, Good Morning Nycto! How can I help you; do you want the usual?"

"Hm? Oh yeah, ill take the usual drink, but can I have a breakfast burrito with extra lime?" he asks, pulling out his wallet.

"Of Course, you hear that Topi?" Seraf glances back at the girl as he takes Nyctos card to pay for the food.

Dystopia nodded and hummed in acknowledgement, going to make the burrito. She wasn't really one to speak much so she pretty much just stayed quiet and began putting the burrito together while cooking the bacon and sausage that was going to go in it. As she did so, Nycto went to stand at the other end of the counter where he waited for his food.

As he leaned against the wall he let his gaze wander around the café, eventually meeting his own as he stared into the mirror, admiring himself slightly, noting how the lights seemed to make his purple eyes look as if they were glowing. He then looked back over at his friends, looking at their appearances closely.

Seraf was average height, with a lean build and tanned skin. He had a nice face with pretty lashes and Amber eyes, oh and we cant forget his pastel pink hair, he looked to be out of some sort of comic book. Oh and Dystopia, 'such a beautiful woman' Nycto thought to himself as he stared at her. Her long, peachy, Coral pink hair was tied in a bun with a few strands out, her duel-colored eyes glimmered slightly as she began cut the limes with precision only to be knocked out of her trance as she accidentally had cut herself and her thick, dark blue blood began to ooze out.

Drip. Drip. Drip.  

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