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"Report." The two scientists in front of the screen looked at each other fearful. "Sh-She i-is sta-stable, sir." The commander glared at them. "Stable enough for export?" He raised his left eyebrow at them. "Yes, sir." The scientist nervously tapped his pen on his clipboard. "Then what are you waiting for?!" He exclaimed. "Get the child a transport, Its time we sent her out." Click. The screen went off leaving the screen black and the scientists confused. They both rushed over to the girl strapped down to the table. One untied her feet straps and the other did her arms. Black White. Black White. I could feel the doctors moving around the table. The only thought in my mind that I could process was 'Black White'. "It's time, Sahara for you to leave." Little tears trickled down my cheeks. I didn't know why I was crying. My insides started churning and an uncontrollable twitch overwhelmed my body.

"Jim, Get over here and help me!" One yelled. I could feel the sleep medicine they were injecting into my system. Black white. Black White. "Don't yell at me, I'm coming." One of the scientists came over and started to push me out of the room I had been in for years. The peeling blue paint and the bloody tile; I hated the room. "She's waking up!" The machine started to beep. I moved my hands, it felt so unnatural to actually move. The one called Jim kept pushing me down the hall. The bed I was on was practically ancient compared to the newer ones. I mumbled a few words, I was so tired and the bed I was being rolled on wasn't helping me stay awake. "Caleb, get your hands away from the handle. You know what happened last time someone touched the kid." What are they talking about? I thought. John strapped a breathing mask onto my face then turned the pressure knob so I could 'Breath'. The rolling vibrated me to sleep, still twitching yet calmly I blacked out.

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