6: King Poison

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It was the year 2001 I had just turned ten years of age. I was awakened to the sounds of alarms and gunshots. I sat up and pulled on an old camo jacket and some jeans, followed by some combat boots. I opened the door and saw a sight that scarred me for the rest of my life. A giant Doll dragging its feet across the ground, inside its sockets weren't the eyes of a Doll but of a human. It was groaning and making a high pitched cackling noise. I shut the door and ran towards the back entrance. I cracked open the window and slid my slender body through the small hole I managed to put between the window and the frame. My boots hit the snow covered ground with a crunch noise, and it continued as I walked. I did not know what the hell was happening and where I was going to go. I walked for a few hours until there was an explosion. They had started bombing The City Of Town. I thought I was out of harm's way until a bomb blew up close to me knocking me unconscious. While I was out of it someone grabbed my legs and pulled me behind a tree. I woke up and saw a girl. Blue hair, green eyes and wearing an old mechanics jacket with a yellow and green shirt, ripped jeans and some black runners. She looked at me and pulled me up "Well it's been long enough we have to get outta here you are far too weak to be out here come with me!" She was about twelve and had a strong Scottish accent. She coughed slightly, "What is your name?" She asked me. "My name is Charles Poison, what's yours?" She smiled and looked at me "You can call me Ax." She said, "Now we need to get the rest of the young ones out of the bombing area and bring them back here. I nodded and started gathering my friends and some drifters who knew me well. We rounded up about sixty people all who either lost their parents to the bombing, the Dolls or even just were orphaned to begin with. Around six years later when I was sixteen the Dolls had vanished completely from The City Of Town. Myself along with Ax had become the government of this City. We had few but fair rules and a curfew of eleven pm. Because even though Town was a generally safe place to live it was still very dangerous to venture outside after that curfew. Ax had become my girlfriend and we were unstoppable. There were a lot of fights amongst our people but eventually they grew mature and started to love one another instead of hate each other. However there was a house in this City that was very evil. It was home to an infamous witch by the name of Hillary Svenne Nevlee. She had died before any of us were born but she had casted a spell on the house making the City fall back into a state of anarchy. It wasn't until the old lady who was living there moved out that the chaos had stopped and we were able to live peaceful lives once again. We had been ruling for about twenty one years and Town had changed grandly. It had tripled in size and had a population of six hundred. We were striving until a truck rolled up the dirt road and suddenly stopped moving. Two people and a pair of puppies hopped out and bought a house, however the curse was lifted and I happened to trust these newcomers until I saw the side of the truck had T.W.O on it. I remembered an incident ten years back when the T.W.O had kidnapped and killed a group of children who were walking alone late at night. The details are far too gruesome for me to remember but I was willing to give the newcomers a chance. I had run into one of them, a boy called Phinn. I told him about everything and he understood. He is not a member of T.W.O so I trust him as if he was my own son. I had told Ax about the people, that they bought the house and she was fairly excited telling me "I sold the house to a Girl named Kylee Nevengton, my cousin is a witch and studies as much as I do. She ran away from home with her boyfriend Phinn. I know this because she chatted to me when we were going through the payments. They are good people babe , trust me." I nodded and watched as she grabbed her things and walked to work. I went back to my treehouse and laid down. I thought to myself and smiled. I am proud to be King of such a beautiful City and am so grateful to have someone like Ax in my life. She keeps me from losing all hope in myself. I closed my eyes and remembered why I became king in the first place. I was working in an old office cleaning it up and I heard a knock on my door. It was Ax she told me to come with her so I did. I was told to sit in a big chair that had a fluffy golden coloured blanket draped over it. "What is this?" I asked and everyone said together "Charles Poison we have awarded you the position of King for your years of dedication to keep The City Of Town alive and strengthened. For this we coranate you King of Town." I teared up and accepted the award. From then forward I was known as King Poison. We created our own little kingdom. Back in the present I woke up and climbed down from the treehouse and walked over to my throne and sat down. "I don't deserve this, when did I earn this all I've done was save a few people from giant fleshed over fucking dolls." I said to myself as I closed my eyes. People always asked me for help and of course I was always there to help when I was needed. But right now I feel great dread and doubt about the rest of my life because I'm always needing help but I need some alone time. All I do is work until sunset. When I accepted this reward I thought it would be way easier than it has turned out to be. I don't want to feel like a slave anymore. I want to be a King who can hangout with his people instead of just help them all fucking day long. But for now I just have to put up with it. Why maybe you ask? Because evil has come  to The City Of Town and it is a lot stronger than anything we have dealt with before. I crossed my arms and sat up straight. "Not today, this can't happen today it's fake, it has to be fake, it just has to be right?" I tried to reassure myself but my anxiety had taken over so I hung my head and prayed for something good to happen and of course that did not work for me because I did not believe in anything. Nothing but my people and my kingdom of course. I laughed to myself and took a sip of old beer. It stung my tongue as it hit the taste buds. "This is gonna be a long day isn't it?"       

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