Ch:9 Happy Ending..

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" Yes.. Yes I will.. " She said.

I look at her shiny eyes. " Do you not know how long I waited for this? " I said as I kissed her again. This time, we knew that we liked each other.


The very next day. We told our friends, and somehow the whole school found out about my relationship with Y/n. Some were disappointed and frustrated, while others were supporting us. Now, Its not only me whose walking with my friends. This time I'm with someone whom I truly love. Kim Y/n, the person who I send letters to. Every Single Day. I look back at her hands which were intertwined with mine. I'm finally able to feel love, I'm finally able to share my love with someone. And it's you, Kim Y/n. 

I took a deep breathe...  Knowing " A new chapter has begun in my life. " 



Author Note:

Hello Guys! That's the end of my "Secret Admirer" story! I really hope you enjoyed reading this series. I really work hard to write this stories for you guys. So, I really hope you read my incoming stories brought to you, by me. Please vote, comment and read other stories I have written. Though I don't get and have a lot of followers and read. I really hope in the future, I continue to grow better! That's all. ( Announcement coming soon! )

Incoming stories coming soon! Brought to you By Kei.

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