Part 6

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I know it has been several months since I moved away, but you must forgive me for my absence. I have had little time to think, much less stop to pen a letter, until now. I can only hope this trend will contin-

I flinch as searing pain arcs through my arm suddenly, the Dark Mark writhing beneath my skin. I scramble for my wand and immediately Disapparate, only to find the magic of the Mark mingling with my own. Instead of the usual feeling of being sucked through a straw, I feel the edges of my form being shifted into... something else. Within a heartbeat, I have been transformed into the inky black smoke from the gala, and I am whisked away by some unseen force.

The landing is much smoother than with Apparition, though my skin tingles uncomfortably as it re-forms. I see Lord Voldemort seated at a small rectangular table, Antonin Dolohov on his left. We must be at Dolohov's estate. "Bellatrix! Welcome, I am pleased to see you." Lord Voldemort stands, a practiced smile on his face as he takes my hand and once again brushes a kiss against my knuckles. It seems I haven't made too much of a troll out of myself.

"And I, you." He releases my hand just a moment before I hear someone else land behind me. Then another, and another. Soon, Rodolphus falls into line beside me, and our leader greets each of us in turn.

"Please, sit," he says, gesturing to the table, "we have much to discuss." It's the first time he's called us together like this. I have no idea what to expect. Apprehension thrums like lightning just under my skin.

I make eye contact with him, and he glances at the chair just to his right. My place. I take the seat, looking inward at the others. Before I can get much of a read on anyone, though, Lord Voldemort begins to speak once more. "I am sure each of you has been patiently awaiting the day that I would call upon you. It is time we finally begin to put things into motion.

"The importance of our task cannot be understated. We are the last line of defense against the mudblood thieves - the last of those willing to stand up for our way of life." He takes a deep breath. "There are others who believe in our cause, I know, but they are not yet ready to commit, as we have." His eyes grow hard as he speaks; cold and calculating. "I task each of you with beginning to influence those who might come to support us."

He turns to me and meets my eyes. "Your family must back us." I know that he does not mean the Lestranges. A flicker of discomfort twitches in my chest. Andie. I nod regardless, and watch silently as he lists off each of the others' targets. Most of them are assigned to their own families, though when he turns to Kakarov, Lord Voldemort says, "Igor... you are close to your former Headmaster, yes?" Igor pauses for the barest of moments, then nods. "Wonderful. Please, do try to put us in his good graces, if you would. The world's institutes of learning must be kept safe from the encroaching filth."

Alecto's voice rings from my left, "If that is the case, Lord Voldemort, should we not try to target Headmaster Dumbledore? Hogwarts is where most of the Sacred-"

"No!" Lord Voldemort's voice is almost a shout, and the air crackles with his magic as he stands and slams his hands against the table. A moment passes. He coughs and straightens his robes, then sits back down. "My apologies." The look he sends at Alecto makes my spine crawl, "Albus Dumbledore is beyond recruiting. In fact, as I was soon to explain, he is our foremost enemy.

"Not only does that pompous old fool believe he is right in shielding the filth, he will oppose every step we take to stomp it out." He draws his wand and places it on the table before him. "In fact, if I learn that any of you have spoken to Dumbledore about our activities, I will personally remove the tongue from your traitorous throat. Understood?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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