bullied ⚠️

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y/n: your name

l/n: your last name

c/n: crush's name

c/l/n: crush's last name

h/c: your hair color

e/c: your eye color

s/c: your skin color

c/h/c: crush's hair color

c/e/c: crush's eye color

c/s/c: crush's skin color

b/f/n: best friend's name

b/f/l/n: best friend's last name

In this imagine, you and c/n are already friends!

You stand in front of the mirror, eyeing the dark purple bruise circling your left wrist. Your mind flashes back to yesterday, when Grovewood High's most popular girl, Kayla Ryan (if your name is Kayla, just sub in another name, I apologize), had grabbed you and shoved you against your locker when no one was watching. Your shoulder still aches from where it had slammed against the metal.

You never thought you would be bullied, but here you are, covered in bruises from your bully's kicks and shoves and sharp words.

Suddenly, your phone rings. It's c/n.

"Hey," you answer, trying to keep your voice chipper.

"Hey! Are you almost ready?" he asks.

You smooth down the fabric of your short blue dress. It's casual, with a smooth hemline and a scoop neck.

"Yeah," you say. You and c/n are about to go to one of c/n's friend's house for a party. Nerves flutter in your stomach, as there is a chance that Kayla Ryan and her posse might be there as well.

"Are you okay?" he says. You can hear the sound of his car in the background, a low hum. "You sound kind of...off."

"Just a little tired," you lie. "I'll see you soon," you say, then hang up. Before you grab your purse and head towards the driveway, you slip on a couple bracelets to cover up your bruise.

C/n is sitting in the driver's seat, one arm gripping the wheel. He grins when he sees you. "You look nice, l/n," he says. He gets out, heads to the passenger side, and opens your door for you. You smile, grateful, and slip in. The car is nice and toasty compared to the bitter chill permeating the air outside.

C/n hums softly as he pulls out of your driveway. Usually, you two would talk about anything and everything on your drives together, but this time, you stay silent.

C/n tries to get you to talk. "What did you do today?" he asks.

"Um-just...nothing, really," you say.

"You didn't eat? Didn't breathe?"

"Very funny, c/n." You fake a laugh. Then, slowly, you ask, "Do you know if, uh, Kayla Ryan and her friends are going to be there?"

"Kayla? I'm not sure. Why?" he asks.

"No reason."

"Speaking of Kayla, she asked me to see a movie with her," c/n says, and your heart breaks.

"With her? Are you going to go?" Your heart has started to pound, and you feel a little lightheaded.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I? She's nice."

Nice enough to give me a couple bruises as presents, you think bitterly to yourself. And now even c/n is switching to her side.

The entire school adores Kayla. She's the princess of Grovewood High, the most popular girl to go there. Everyone except you.

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