𝐱𝐱𝐯𝐢. ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ʟᴏʏᴀʟᴛɪᴇs ʟɪᴇ

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❨.。.:*✧ 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐞❩


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ALEC VOLTURI WAS ONE OF THE MOST DANGEROUS VAMPIRES IN THE WORLD. He came off as cruel, sadistic, and just as malevolent as his twin sister Jane. But Alec wasn’t just the lethal weapon the Volturi used him as.

The vampire loved literature and loved to listen to music while he watched Felix and Demetri shoot pool in the Guards Louge of the castle. He loved having long talks with the kings and adored gossiping with his sister - but even with this life being as grand as it was, he knew something was missing.

And then he met her.

Rebekah Cullen hit him like a lightning bolt the minute she walked into that Throne Room to save her stupid brother and his weak human blood bag of a mate. 

But it was at that moment that Alec had felt like he was truly empty as he watched Rebekah walk away with her siblings.

Though her words often echoed within his mind as he talked to her on the phone.

You have to catch me to keep me. 

He planned too.

But at the moment there was one thing in his way.

The loyalty to his coven.

It was no secret that Aro wanted Alice and Edward on his guard and that Caius wanted the Cullens gone and before Alec had met Rebekah - he would have gladly slaughtered the animals' drinkers without a second thought.

That was before he met Rebekah.

And now he was at a moral crossroads as he watched the Newborn army with Jane, Felix, and Demetri.

“How... indiscreet.” Alec murmured under his breath in distaste, scrunching his nose up as he watched the Newborns fight like stray dogs over a scrap of meat.

“They've already drawn too much attention” Demetri spoke from beside him and Alec silently agreed. By now, the Volturi would have intervened - putting an end to this madness.

Felix growled lightly under his breath. “So has our "inaction ". Others may begin to question the Volturi's... effectiveness”

Alec knew the giant was right, but it was not his call. Jane had been the charge regarding this army. And they all knew why this army had been created.

The Cullens.

“Let them.” Jane replied softly.

Felix rolled his jaw before he turned and walked away, his back facing the group. “Maybe we should consult Aro.”

Alec and Demetri turned just in time to see Felix crumple under the agonizing ability of Jane’s gift. 

The younger witch twin bit back a snarl - the memory of Rebekah crumpling onto the marble floor of the throne room flashing before his eyes. He never wanted to see his mate in that much pain ever again. 

“Aro's decisions are being watched, we must decide,” Jane told him with a fierce gaze as she released Felix from her gift. “Either we let them do what they were created for, or we end them. Decision, decisions…”

“Jane.” Alec's voice was cold and Jane merely let her eye flicker over to him. “This is Rebekah’s family, we can’t let these Newborns hurt them.”

“Brother, this is what the masters want - do you wish to disappoint them? Your mate will be fine, I doubt the Cullens would let anyone hurt her. Besides, there is more at stake.” Jane sent him a stern look as she turned and flitted away leaving Alec with Felix and Demetri.

“Have you talked to Rebekah about this?” Felix asked as he pushed himself up from the ground. 

“No, I don’t wish to worry her. She is already under much stress regarding her graduation and the turning of Edward’s mate.” Alec looked down and ran a hand over his face. “Jane isn’t going to stop this army and I feel like Rebekah may already know about it.”

“We are on your side Alec, just tell us what you want us to do.” Demetri put a hand on his shoulder. 

For as long as Alec could have remembered, Demetri had been their for him. The tracker was older and had been a mentor to the teen when he was a fresh vampire. And even now though Alec is his superior - Demetri still is there to offer him the support he needed when he was a younger vampire.

Alec just hoped he was making the right choice. 

[a/n ✍︎]

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[a/n ✍︎]

I hoped you enjoyed this change of POV in this chapter!

Thoughts? Ideas? Predictions?

Be sure to let me know!

Until the next update!


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