Second Chances

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“I’m sorry Mr. Jeon is only available by appointment and his schedule is fully booked for the day.”

You stared at the petite woman in front of you. Already judging by her body language and the way her eyes kept flickering down the hallway that you had made her nervous as soon as you stated your name.

“Is Mr. Jeon currently in a meeting?” You questioned.

“N-no,” she stuttered, “But he is very busy preparing for future meetings. If you could just leave your message and contact information with me I’ll be sure to forward it to him as soon as possible.”

You rolled your eyes. How many times had you called and been told that? That’s why you physically had to come into his office, travelling from another city to deliver him the message yourself. The fact that you had to take time out of your already hectic schedule and do this was already testing your patience. However, that was something that wasn’t new to you when it came to him.

You didn’t even bother to acknowledge the young secretary as you turned on your heels to walk down the hallway towards his office. You were going to see him no matter what.

“Excuse me! You can’t go in there. I’m going to call security,” the woman chased after you.

“They can kick me out after,” you mumbled. Clutching the folder you held in your hand tighter. Underneath the calm and confident demeanor your heart pounded rapidly against your chest. Still with the click of your heels against the tiled floors you continued to walk forward. For a minute you hesitated when your hand came in contact with the cool metal handle, briefly thinking about backing away and the option of leaving yet another message with his secretary. But you couldn’t. This needed to be settled once and for all and you were not going to waste anymore of your time.

“Lydia I thought I told you I didn’t want to be disturbed,“ his sentence cut off when he looked up to see you standing at the doorway.

“I’m sorry sir. She just barged in here, I’ll call security right away,” Lydia said as she hung her head low.

“There’s no need. Thank you Lydia. Please shut the door on the way out,” he ordered. “Also, cancel all my meetings for today and take messages for anyone who tries to call.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll make this brief so you can continue with your schedule,” you interrupted, meeting his gaze evenly from across the room. Jungkook nodded at his secretary then waved his hand to dismiss her.

The sound of silence filled the room but the tension in the air thick. Each of you both measuring the other.

“Long time no see, Y/N. Please, have a seat.” Jungkook gestured in front him. Leaning back in his chair with ease, a sly grin on his face.

You rolled your eyes, “Is that any way to greet your wife?”

“Ah, so you are still my wife,” Jungkook chuckled. “How long have we been married now? Four years?”

“It won’t be for much longer,” you strutted towards his desk, slamming the folder you carried in your hands in front of him. “Sign the goddamn papers Jungkook. I’m tired of getting put on hold, having this sent back to me and my lawyers charging me a fortune.”

“If you came sooner you would have saved yourself some money,” he teased, leaning back in his chair.

You rolled your eyes, if this is how he wanted to play so be it. You pulled out the chair across from him and sat down. Jeon Jungkook knew exactly how to get under your skin but you learned over the years of being apart from him to keep your composure to yourself. Not letting him know just exactly how he affects you. More than a few years had passed and you were here to show him you were different. Just as he was different than what you knew him to be. The fact that you were sitting in his office on the fiftieth floor of a building he owned was proof of that. You glanced around the room, taking in the open glass windows and the view of the entire downtown area. His office bigger than your kitchen and living room combined.  

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