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Yesterday was Shane's birthday. Almost yesterseason was Shane's living nightmare.
Vince served prison for a strong two minutes before leaving due to them being the protagonist. JoJa permanently closed down -with it not being a surprise- and lost half a million gollars to Shane for legal fees and staff emotional abuse. Also the public was on his side. Speaking of Shane, he never really recovered from the situation, sure that is expected but it grew to the point where he was still weary of Vince. Vince. The person who wrapped Shane's world by her grip, causing Shane to tremble by a slight mention of it. Still, Shane can't do much about that. After all, Vince is now his partner. Somehow the duo have ended up dating. Yoba and Yoba exclusively knows why.  Everybody in Pelican Town is weary about Vince too, but everybody is too scared to upset him.  All they can do is hope it gets easier.

Shane's eyes flutter open, sunlight glowing through the window to highlight his facial features. His nose crinkles as he notices his door wide open. Maybe he left it open last night in his drunken haze? He takes a minute for his system to get used to the awake-hangoverish feeling, wading his way over to the bathroom. "What the fuck are you doing here-" he yelps, concerned at the figure before him.

Vince is currently brushing their teeth, in a 'I am not bisexual but $50 is $50' shirt, "Good morning to you too!!"

"You never answered the question. What the fuck are you doing here?"

She takes the toothbrush from out of his mouth, grinning, "I came to eat your birthday cake. I was going to save you some but it was a bit hard to cut you a slice since we all just dug into it."

Shane just sighs, not acknowledging the fact that Vince was somehow let in. "Well.. can you leave?? I need to look for a job and watching you floss out dorito cake out of your gums won't add anything to my records."

"I've already said you can work at the farm!!" Somehow Vince's smile grows even bigger, imaging the idea of its boyfriend working with itself.

He shakes his head, slumping on the toilet. He can't say that he doesn't want to work with a murderer, but has to agree to his partner Yes. Somehow Vince and Shane are together. Nobody knows how or even why but here we are. "Uh- I'm thinking of looking in the city, you know? I need to get back into that. I was planning to do something there before the Jas situation so.."

"You're working at the farm." Vince states, to spit out the toothpaste to casually walk out of the bathroom, exiting the house with pure swag and rizz.

Shane can't help but shudder.

Flashback to a few weeks ago.
Shane's pov

"Both of you are fucking goblins. Get married or some shit."  Abigail speaks, a repulsed face matching her concerned tone of voice.

My eyes flicker to Vince's coloured eyes like it's a 2015 wattpad fanfic, quaking in a discombobulating mixture of emotions. We won't last long like this, that's the only thing I can guarantee in this messed up situation. "What's the next move?"

A flock of F.B.I and SWAT team members burst through the elevator and the ladder trailing all throughout the mine. "GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND."

I comply aswell as Abigail, Vince stood there doing some weird ass dance whilst humming blue from heathers, but only the word "balls" is what she says verbally. We all stand there, utter confusion and dismay trailing behind.


A gun shot fires, ringing in my ear. An almost deafening shrill tone ricochets.

We didn't see each other for two days until she came back and gave me a bouquet. It doesn't know what the glorified bunch of flowers means presumably, thinking it's a generic gift. I couldn't reject the flowers or them because my body can't hoist myself up long enough. Now I'm in this situation. A situation I wish I was never in.

Apparently that paramedic that was with me until she died had a funeral. The name she had was just random letters, I don't blame her. I don't blame her for anything she was involved in on my case, I blame myself.

Now I'm sunken in my own body on the bathroom tiles. I hear a banging. "LET ME IN OR ELSE I'M PISSING ON YOUR BED."

I open the door, Jas bolts past me and shuts the door behind her, pushing me out. She's now grown to swearing constantly because of me. A lot of kids nationally have. Emily was right, that's a first time heh.

My head turns at an angle in confusion, peering in the gap below the door to check she wasn't trying to be a suicidal fuck (like another things kids globally have became from me), then to close my eyes to not seem creepy as fuck, "Fuck me Jas, what do you want."


"Jokes on you, your mother is dead!"

"And you will be in a minute if you carry on you piece of shit." she growls.

Marnie suddenly enters the situation, presumably from a little girl having a swear-off with a grown man, "What's happening here?" 

She gives you a look that basically translates to 'you better run' that causes you to go 'oh fuck shit balls piss'.


She finishes up, coming out with soggy hands and eyebrows arched.

Marnie pulls the same face, swiveling her body to meet mine, "Shane what is going on? You're meant to be a responsi- an adult." Her arms are now glued tightly upon her upper chest, in crossed formation.

"Having a slight break down at this early hour, then this little demon comes crawling demanding for a piss. I remember the good ol'- days where you'd limit me to a piss a day." I sigh dramatically, joking.

Her eyes widen, for her to give me a slight slap on my arm, "Behave! I did not have a freaking ration on you to go the toilet. Anyway, it is three in the afternoon."

"Bitch you are one lazy fucker." Jas calls out, for myself and Marnie to focus our brittle attention span on her.

"Okay, just because I swore on international live tv does not mean you can too. That is a thing for when you are older, mentally unstable, an addict, hot as fuck or all!! And it's hard to break it to you.. but you're neither." I reply, trying my hardest to use a stern voice. It's not working out well.

A little head faces Marnie's, twisting like an owl. Her eyes blink slowly, thin eyelashes batting against smooth skin for her lips to purse, "You're just jealous that I have a job man, I now have to go play Work At A Pizza Place on Roblox bitch."

Thank fuck, she toddles off into her bedroom, getting ready to get her grubby child thumbs all over an iPad I've bought with a few weeks salary. Woo-hoo.

Now that just leaves the real issue, the elephant in the room (and I'm not meaning myself). I am broke. There isn't many options to choose to be fair. I never finished higher education from the literal swearing demon (don't regret it to be fair) so getting a dream career is out. That leaves me with two options.

One: Commit to Vince's plan. I don't want to personally due to the fact that it's Vince. He's great and all but.. they murdered somebody. And tried to put me on that list. I don't know if she ever mentioned pay too. Pros to this situation is that I fuckin like animals and outdoorsy shit. Aaaand that human has sprinklers galore so I'm safe in that area.

Two: Commit to my plan. I want to get a job in ZuZu, near a bus station so I have easier access going to and from both places. If it's decent paying, bus fares wont be a nightmare but I'm pretty sure Pam will give me a discount since I'm relatively close towards her and she gets more drunken than a sailor on shore half the time. Worst part is that I'll be away from Marnie's frequently. And Vince. That nightmare encased in human skin. 

And a secret plan, Three: Commit to everybody else's plan. I could ask the news companies to pay me since most likely, I'll be their top stories for a while. They could reject me, but they would know Vince would strike again and quite frankly, nobody is assed to deal with that goblin.

You might be thinking "HeY, yOu GoT 500k JuSt FoR lEgAl FeEs!" and to that I say..


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