Chapter 16

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It's been two weeks since the zoo trip. Sinclair and I've been going out on romantic dates that she have planned and lets just say that she is a fricking romantic. On one of our dates, she took me to the beach where we had a romantic picnic as the sun set behind us.

Right now, I'm currently at Sin's house in her movie theater room. We decided to have movie nights on Fridays so we are currently laying down in the recliner with me between her legs, leaned against her front.

"So what movie are we watching tonight?" She asked as she moved the popcorn on my lap as I went through her movies.

"Hmm....Harry Potter!" I exclaimed as I found the movie.

She laughed at my excitement and nodded in agreement. I started the movie then snuggled into Sinclair's large frame as we watched the movie while eating popcorn and candy. During the movie, I remembered that the Met Gala was coming up and I wanted to ask her to go with me.

"Hey," I whispered catching her attention from the movie making her hum.

"There's a Met Gala in a few days and I was wondering if you want to be my date for it?" I asked softly as I turned my body slightly to face her.

She looked at me in the face smiling as she leaned in to kiss me slowly making me close my eyes in return. After few seconds, she pulled away making me open my eyes as I whined.

"Of course Reina, I'll go with you to the Gala," she said smiling widely showing her dimples.

I grinned at her adorableness and leaned up to peck her lips then went back to the movie. I felt Y/n move her arms around my waist with her hands on my stomach. She began rubbing her thumbs against my bare skin. I instantly relaxed under her touch. I nuzzled into her chest as I slowly fell asleep.


Day of the Met Gala

I was currently sitting in my chair as my hair stylist did my hair as my makeup artist did my makeup. I heard a ding letting me know that I've gotten a text so I looked at my phone to see it was from Y/n.

I can't wait to see you reina
Read at 5:32pm

I bit my lip at her message and replied,

I can't wait to see you too baby!Read at 5:34pm

I lowered my phone while smiling like an idiot as my sisters and my mom walked into the room.

"Ooh, Khloe has her love smile. Did Sin text you?" Kim teased as they sat down in their chairs as makeup artists and hair stylists went to work on them.

"Yup, she said she can't wait to see me," I said as I got up from my chair to go to another room to get into my outfit.

"Well I'm sure that girl will drool over you," Kris commented me making me giggle at the thought of her drooling over me.

"Hmm we'll see. Now, what do you guys think?" I asked as I walked out of the room to show off my outfit to the girls.

"Wow, you look beautiful!" Kylie said as the others chorused in agreement.

I grinned at them as I turned to look in the mirror. I was wearing a sparklingly gold floor length dress with black arm covers and black cloth draped over my shoulder. The dress is paired with nude open-toe heels. My hair is slicked to the right with glossed lips that brings out my facial feature.

It was about 20 minutes later that Sinclair arrived at my house.

Hey, I'm downstairs here to pick your beautiful ass up.
Read at 6:01pm

I rolled my eyes at her message and told the girls that she is here. We walked outside of the room and downstairs where I was greeted by Sin looking handsome and dapper.

She's wearing gold untucked button up shirt with black silky tie. She's also wearing nicely fitted black slacks with black ankle boots that increased her height. And she wore a dress jacket buttoned that fitted perfectly against her broad muscular shoulder. To finish the outfit, she wore a gold handkerchief with her hair pulled up into a bun showing off her shaved sides and nape.

Three words, daddy as fuck.

I walked down the stairs reaching my hand out to Sinclair's hand whose jaws was dropped and gripped it slightly as she helped me off the last few steps and pulled me into her arms. She admired with a glint in her eyes.

"Hmm Reina, you looking damn gorgeous as fuck. I'm lucky to be your date," she said making me swoon. I leaned up to her 6'5 frame to kiss her on the lips being mindful of my lipstick.

"And you're looking daddyish," I whispered in her ear as I pulled away with a smirk on my face making her eyes dilated.

We heard coughs interrupting our moment making us turn around to see the girls with their dates. Sin coughed in embarrassment making me giggle at her adorableness.

"Hey guys, you look beautiful as well," Sin complimented the rest of the girls.

We talked for a moment until it was time to go so everyone exited the house to see a limo outside. Us girls minus Sinclair cheered as we went inside the limo and it started to move.

On the way to the Gala, the boys and Sin talked about her career and music while us girls talked about our respective partners and kids. We felt the limo stop and we heard a knock letting us know that it's time. Kim and Kanye went first then Kylie and Scott, Kendall and Ben, Kris and Corey, and lastly us.

Sinclair got out first then held out her hand for me grab and got out with her hands on my waist. Cameras were flashing everywhere as interviewers were shouting out questions as we walked past them and onto the red carpet. We posed for the cameras with her arm around my waist and my hands on her chest as we either look at each other lovely or at the cameras. We decided to stop for a interview with Vogue.

"We have here Khloe Kardashian and our famous MMA champion, Sinclair Reyes. So you guys look beautiful!" The lady complimented me.

"Thank you."

"So few weeks ago, you posted a picture of Sinclair with True saying that they're your favorite people. What's the relationship status between you two?" She asked holding the microphone to me.

"Sin and I are in a relationship for about a month," I said happily as she kissed me on the forehead.

"You two make an adorable couple!" The lady said smiling widely.

We nodded in thanks and continued with few more questions until it was time to go inside. We went to our seats and sat down as the Met Gala started. We chatted with other celebrities for few hours until it was time to go home.

We got back into the limbo and it was quiet due to everyone being tired. We arrived at the house and went inside.

"Alright, it's 1:32am so no one is driving so share room," Kris said making us nod in agreement and everyone began to disperse to their rooms.

Sinclair held my hand as we walked into my room. She unzipped my dress allowing it to fall to the floor revealing me in my white laced set. I kicked off my heels and went into the bathroom to clean myself from makeup and brushed my teeth. After I finished, I went back out to see her in her black boxer briefs and sports bra laying on the bed.

"Hey, there's a black toothbrush for you in the bathroom," I told her as she got up and went into the bathroom.

I got onto the bed under the covers and laid down on the pillow. I waited until she got out and got in the bed after shutting the light off. She laid on her back as I moved closer to snuggle against her. She wrapped her arms around my waist while my arm and leg was draped over hers.

I felt her kiss on my forehead as she whispered, "G'night and you looked like an angel last night."

I grinned as I heard soft snores fill the air as my eyes began to close until it was fully shut and I drifted off into the dreamland.

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