The Sky City

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Washington, 2035

                                                                       THE REBELLION

       "Happy Birthday Charlie" my mother tells me in such a gleeful tone. You see my mother isnt always the happy one, she is always complaining that we never get to live the same way as the government officials. I nod and say "Thanks" but in such a sarcastic tone.

For some reason today I'm starting to feel weird. I feel like somebody must be watching me, because every time i daze off to look into the woods, I just see a man. In Havent just seen that man just once, but about a dozen times today.

But then it strikes me they could come, I remember about 10 years ago, it was my friend Marcel's Birthday and everyone was having the time of their lives , but like in hour into the party, it got trashed... But Marcel was also taken away by the government. There has been many rumors about what had happened to him. Some people say he's dead. Some say he was tortured and kept in a jail or facility and some even think that he was put into the military. But I believe that, that is all Bullshit. My thoughts are that he is still out there, just being held captive waiting for our group to vengeance. I sometime think at those moments when you just cant handle the stress and you just say it, that I even do sometimes in the darkest moments that he is dead. But sometimes I think I am being too paranoid. But maybe they will come today, to take me or my family.

      I was right, they did come and they brought a lot of machinery and lots of men from the army. We all tried to duck or hide and find someplace to be safe, but we were to late, some of our people were took captive. Some were killed and that made me think, What if they kill my sister too.

I search and search for my Young helpless sister and I catch right at the corner of my eye My mother screaming at the top of her lungs "HONEY WE HAVE TO GO COME ON HONEY!  WHERES YOUR SIST-" she was interrupted by a harpoon.  A gray rusty harpoon. I look down where it had hit and i see it right at my mothers now bloody chest. I scream "M-M-M-MOM, PLEASE DON'T DIE LIKE THIS". I pull out the harpoon hoping to help, but It just makes it worse making her bleed out.

Mother please no! I try to help but all I see is one last tear in her eye and not another blink... I will never forget her. I start bawling over her dead corpse, can you just imagine crying over your own mothers dead body. I finally get up and try to ball up.

I look and look, but i just cant find my sister. But then i think, Home! I ran for a while until I reached the house but all it is, is ash. I cry for a while not knowing if she was dead or not. I keep on looking but every where is ash and smoke and blood. It was like we were in a bloody war zone. I ran to see for a last hope but every where I see is RED, RED, RED! RED! Flashbacks of the bloody harpoon and killings in my life. But then I feel a grasp on my arm. I PASS OUT.

    I wake in a different location with a man in front of me, "WHERE AM I?" I demand.  All i hear is "what does that matter" in a very familiar voice. "YOU KILLED MY FUCKING FAMILY YOU ASSHOLE, WHERE IS MY FATHER!" I yell. "Don't worry in a couple days you wouldn't care anymore about your disgraceful, horrible family or retarded group." he said in such a nasty, disgusting dreadful way. "WHY DO YOU SA-" "Because your whole group is dead but you. We wanted you to experience horrible things in life... We even knew it was your birthday. Face it we already know who you are, Charlie...

"How do you know my Freaking name?" "We just know the deeds, so now lets get to the point, would you rather join our army and kill others like you and see the pain in their hearts or be tortured with others still killing all the groups." he says so badly.

"WHY NOT THEN, TORTURE IT IS!" I stammer in such a sarcastic way. He dosent respond for another second. But it feels like  hours.

"Ok, the deed will be done, as you wish" with a childish smirk.

 I wake and i see nothing but a blur. I feel some pain in my lower limb, I think i might have been cut but i just cant remember a thing. I look to my side, trying to see if i see anybody there. But i still could only see a blur. The only thing is i feel a rush of some sort of liquid coming down my head, but for some reason i cant move to try and feel it.

When My body is beginning to ache I start hearing loud chanting or loud voices in the distant. I hear a man walk up to me telling me its time. "What? Wha-What is it time for? Who are You?" the man just says "Somebody you knew a long time ago".

       "Where am I?" I chant. "Shhhh! please you don't want the guards to hear us do you"  He whispers. "TCHK, TCHK" I hear the sound of handcuffs or chains being unhooked. I must be chained to the wall. I here another "TCHK, TCHK" and i finally get free.

He then just says "go down the corridor and turn right, when you turn you will see a guard guarding the door way so you have to be careful. Once he looks away you take him out, ok? Can you do that for me?" " I Guess?"I whisper." Don't guess, i need a full answer! he tells me in a stammering way." "But with What?" I whisper again. "Your hands you idiot" he says to me. "well OK then" i stammer. "Then Loot the keys off him and open the door. You will notice you're at the top of a building and if you look down you will see nothing but a  floating object , just jump and you... promise...

   I start running and running till my lungs burst out. I take a break when all of a sudden my eyesight is  getting back to me. I look down at my legs and i notice 8 bruises and a red slash that looks like a wounded scar. Someone must of cut me, I assume. I can't remember a thing. So i keep running and I am by a place called the cafeteria. I keep hearing Screaming, Yelling, and Hollering like they are torturing many people.

I keep running so I dont get caught in the action so I keep running. I finally make it to the end of the corrider and i see a guard as I was told but for some reason he was already dead - snapped neck and bullet wound. I check for the keys but all i see is blood. So i check if the door is open and it wasn't. It must have been locked from the other side. There is no other way to go! So I try to see whats actually in the so called Cafeteria.

    I run and I open the door slightly and all I see are men in chains and some in a jail cells. It believe that was the most gruesome thing I think I have ever seen. They start yelling at me like "don't go, Help us". I run and for a split second I was flying, which technically I wasn't.

I starting falling for like 1,000 feet when then i slam into and floating object like I was told. By the mysterious man. I see a person in the drivers seat that had the same voice as the man before. His name was Snow, Well at least a code name I would assume.

    "Hi!" He says like its the most happiest day of his life and respond with "Nice meeting you here" and We both laugh. "We must be on a hovercraft, right?" I ask, not really knowing what I am saying. "Yes, thats brilliant, Wow I'm impressed, You must be a fast learner." He says. I feel like he is just being so sarcastic and mean to me.

" What do you mean a fast learner, what am I supposed to be learning about?". I ask. "Ohhhhhh, you don't know. Wow. Ok while you were in your coma, many wars and battles had happened. The whole world was split into many different parts."

"Us, we are right now in the Readers realm, I know, I know, it sounds a bit corny but this place is where all the mind-readers or as the government likes to call them phycos, come to. The Skyline Jail."

"Ah Huh," I  moan.

"So as you can tell by what the jail is called, and why we are in a hovercraft, is because we are from Valentine's little village in the woods."

    "Valentine was a rebel and was thrown over about a year ago. They distroyed the nature and created it into a city. Of course the  government wanted to improve the city as they always do and turned it into a sky city."

"Wow... I totally know what you just said." I say very sacasticly.

"So okay, we are basicly in the city where mind readers go to, and we are in the sky city."

" Yes Sir Ree!" he says. "Ok thats all I needed to know."... "You will learn more while we are on our way." He says.

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