The Encounter

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Soo, I'm not sure if this fandom is even alive anymore? I recently rewatched the show I once watched as a teenager (almost ten years ago-oof.) and although my old teen crush on Bellamy was reignited, I fell head over heels for the admirable ice prince. Now I had to honour this newfound crush somehow, so how better than a fanfic?

Oh yeah, that whole second praimfaya and prisoners landing from space shit doesn't happen. The show ended for me with Roan's death-sorry guys.

It's already been a few weeks since their return to earth and Alina couldn't believe all that has happened. Finding out that they were not the only ones here was perhaps the biggest shock.

For a long time, she believed the ark and its bleak walls would be all she would ever see. After the incident regarding her father, she accepted that she probably wouldn't live to see much more of life. A month and she would be 18, and then the only fate which would await her is death by floating. Maybe she'd be reunited with her parents on some other plane of existence.

She leans back on the rock she's sitting on and sighs wistfully as she stares at the exit out of camp. It sucks being locked up behind a fence, sucks even more than being locked up on the ark. Possibly due to the fact that there were endless miles of land calling to her for exploration and on the ark, well there was nothing except more walls.

The rational part of her understands that this new world is beyond dangerous and one wrong decision will cost you as the boy named Jasper is a prime example of. But the other part of her was craving to say screw it and take her chances anyway. Sadly, the exit was guarded and as she wasn't a member of the hunting party she wouldn't be allowed out.

She decided that surely there was another way out of here, so dusting her worn jeans she stood up and decided to take a walk around camp.

All the possible spaces that she spotted were too small for even her small stature to hide in and the others are in too plain a sight. She sighs heavily and is ready to give up when a sudden voice behind her makes her jump.

"You know, if you're looking for a way out of camp, then you're being a bit too obvious about it. It's a good thing everyone is so occupied with guarding the front gate no one will pay you any attention."

There behind her stands a girl with black her and a smirk on her face, one she recognises as Bellamy's sister, Octavia.

"I was just taking a walk, I got a bit restless sitting around." Alina attempts to make an excuse for her wandering.

The raised eyebrow on Octavia's face and her crossed arms suggest that she really isn't buying her excuse. Then she speaks up again, "Come with me, I'll show you something." And without waiting, Octavia begins to walk away.

Curious and with nothing to lose, Alina follows on her tail.

When Octavia stopped and they reached their destination, it was Alina's turn to raise her eyebrow. "Soo, you took me to look at water barrels? Even if I stand on them I doubt I could climb over."

Octavia rolls her eyes and after taking a look around to make sure no ones watching, she begins to move the water barrels out of their place in front of the fence. Soon a hole in the fence is revealed, just big enough for one of them to crawl under.

Alina looks to Octavia with wide eyes and an open mouth, the question of how clearly written all over her face.

Octavia grins and presses a finger to her lips. "I found this by accident one day and found it helpful since. Since you're also trying to get away from this place, I trust my secret is safe with you?"

Alina hurriedly nods, still in awe at the opportunity She suddenly heard some twigs snap and quickly spun around hands raised in what she realised would be a pathetic attempt at self-defence.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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