💖💋❤️‍🔥 Heartfelt Inquiry 💓💗🔥

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There are many things Isana doesn't know about herself for example when she went to bury the first man she ever loved his soul/spirit somehow showed up beside her she knew she was weak and wounded what she didn't know was that she was very close to joining him in death and he was unwilling to allow her to die so he made a pact with her his soul would enter her body and heal her from within for there was no way she'd reach a healer in time especially one she trusted she gave him permission but told him he could only stay until the Blight had ended and the Archdemon was dead and he agreed to her terms with a smile she was unsure how it was possible that he was able to appear beside her but she was happy she got a chance to say a "proper" goodbye.... though it was not goodbye just yet.... she knew the true goodbye was happening soon somehow she could sense it a year has past since he had died and it was time for him to go wherever human spirits go to when they pass on but first the war a war she decided to join and on that day another thing that she had no idea she could do happened Duncan was somehow also able to join the fight the biggest surprise was that he was more solid than one would expect a soul to be and she somehow knew she was the reason she just had no idea how but before we join the war we're going to go back to the time Isana visited her friends a few months after they left the Dalish camp once Solana got the elves assistance and the conversation Isana had with Shale who was curious about what she remembers about Orzammar "my elder brother hated the fact he wasn't the only child anymore and what was worse his sibling is female when I was around a month old he'd put me in a sack which he carried on his back and walk into the Deep Roads then leave me there when I got older and he could no longer put me in the sack without someone asking questions he paid some of the guards off so he could WALK me into the Deep Roads and leave me there each time he did that he went deeper and deeper into it and growled in anger when someone brought me back home.... I was always found by a member of the Legion of the Dead who would take me to the entrance of the Deep Roads and hand me over to a guard one of the Legion members actually kept me there a little longer.... I was a kid I had a lot of questions and I hated going to the Shaperate I'd rather learn by listening and or doing not by reading and who knows what is written is truly "real" especially if it was written by them for people have a way of making things "sound better" so their people "look better".... unless they did something they didn't like that is then they'd change it so the Clan and or person they were writing about sounded like the scum of the Earth or worse.... I know that the person speaking only knows what THEY were told but those "lessons" were my "stories" that I liked listening to, my brother thought I hated going to the Deep Roads he figured it would scare me, he also hoped I'd stay lost.... but I loved it in there it was a adventure which is probably why that memory above all others stick the most not to mention I was two when my family was banished so there's not much for me to remember about Orzammar after we were "kicked out" we moved to Kirkwall which is never memorable!"  Isana tells Shale and she could have sworn she heard the Stone Golem chuckle Isana looks at Sten who was watching them from "his spot" by the campfire then she says "now I have a question for you"  Shale looks at her "yes I know you don't remember your life before becoming a golem but.... if there was a way for you to return to your "original" form would you want too?!"  Shale's eyes seem to widen and she replies with a unsure tone that held a hint of sadness "there.... ---- isn't a way"  Isana says "I believe anything is possible you just have to find the right person and ask them the right questions"  after a small pause she says as she takes a large book out of her bag and shows it to Shale "during one of my own expeditions through the Deep Roads I found a journal of a dwarf who claimed to have created what she called a "Dreamstone" she was a member of a Smith Class I don't know her name or her Clan name.... though that may be my fault since I never paid attention to the names of the Thaig's I explored but I do know her story when she was a child she heard about how humans, elves and so many others could dream and she.... being the curious imaginative dwarf she was.... started to wonder if there was a way to make it so dwarves could do the same and she spent her entire life trying to create a way to do so and she believed she succeeded though I believe she became tainted by the lyrium she worked with and quite possibly became delusional but I think with the right help I might be able to get it to work though I don't want to dream I want to actually enter the Fade.... I believe that if I can find the right spirit that would be willing to help I might be able to figure out a way to change you back into a dwarf though I won't try unless it's what YOU want to do and I'm going to give you till the end of this Blight to think about it"  Isana stands up and says "oh and by the way you're wrong about Sten he sees me as someone who needs protection or in our terms a sister.... if I understand them correctly the Qunari have no family he calls me dragon just like my younger brother does and you heart and THAT above all else should tell you what he thinks and or feels about you.... if you want to talk to him and get his opinion about it then go ahead but I will tell you this much it isn't your body but your strength he likes.... and maybe your personality but it never had anything to do with your PHYSICAL form and there's one thing you need to understand about Sten he's more of a "actions speak louder than words" kind of man.... at least that's how I've always seen him for he's not as talkative as the others and his actions do tend to be very loud!"  then she walks away Shale watches as her new friend walk over to Wynne probably to see if she'd be willing to help with the Dreamstone/Fade exploration and she (Shale) walks over to Sten with a "special" inquiry which at first he was confused about why she was asking that particular question then he remembered who she was speaking to beforehand and he knows how well Isana seems to understand those who aren't understandable especially when it comes to their emotions his confusion turns into surprise when Shale goes into a deeper explanation of the conversation she had with their friend and he knew that if anyone could find a way to do it it would be Isana "she is correct"  Sten tells Shale then he kisses her and Shale's eyes widen on surprise when she feels his lips on hers though she enjoyed the feeling of it....

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