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𝕸ughal Manor

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𝕸ughal Manor. An architectural marvel and a sculptor's envy, named after the most marvelous kingdom in South Asia and the most illustrious family in the world. A testament to its glowing health, wealth, and strength, the towers and domes of the manor gleamed in the southern sun. From the walls, the sentries and watchmen stood to watch over the unfathomable amount of land, a sight to strike fear into the bravest of hearts— a sight to see.

To understand the Mughal's end we must understand their beginning. Glittering, the house rose and fell not once but twice. The Jewel of the South, the Mughal family stood for years as the paragon of all that could be achieved. The ideal standard of human perfection and ability. For years they ruled unchallenged. First as young entrepreneurs, then as old experienced business moguls looking over an empire that stretched over continents. But just like Icarus, they flew too close to the sun and when they fell, a hole opened in their history books, a void that may never be filled, save in memory. It is said that the cracks appeared well before the killing blow was dealt. A fissure in the foundation. A misjudgment.

The clouds of war encroached. The masses grew more and more excited by the spectacle of the gathering storm. They watched with fascination and mounting anticipation, thrilled to witness tactical warfare, subterfuge, and vicious intent in all its glory. They were as fired up and involved as any of the elites, nobles, and couturiers wagering on the outcome of the power struggle. Rather than wagering with gold, they staked honor, status, and pride on the outcome. The appalling appeal of the dirt and its heady threat of violence transcending all social and class boundaries.

Generations carry the story over and over again, passing it on, lest in losing the Mughal name, they lose a part of themselves. A house that once stood undivided, unconquered, and proud.

And thus, it is where our tale begins...

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