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Allison POV

I wake up with my back up against a wall which shouldn't be there and this wall has arms. I look over my shoulder and see Alec sound asleep. I look under the covers and see I'm still in the same clothes as last night.

"Shit!" I say when I see my bed. Alec has bled right threw the bandages and his blood is a over him, myself and my bed.

"Alec. Wake up. Alec. Wake the fuck up. ALEC. WAKE UP!" I scream at him. He doesn't move apart from his shallow breathing.

"DAD. TAYLOR. SOMEONE." I scream. My dad and Taylor burst through with Dustin and Justin behind them.

"What do I do?" I scream and start pulling the badge off. Alec is still asleep.

"Back up." Taylor says and Dustin walks upto Alec.

"You move one more step closer and I'll kill you in your sleep!" I scream at him. He glares at me but moves back.

"I'm not going to hurt him." Dustin says. I narrow my eyes at him and let my dad go behind me to Alec.

"No. But you hurt me. Alec told me what happened and I know what exactly what you've done and won't hesitate to when he's vulnerable." I say as calmly as possible. I turn back o Alec and see my dad on the phone.

"Alright. Hurry." My dad hangs up and puts his phone down before examining the stab wound.

"I need some towels and a lot of them. Taylor go get them." My dad orders as I climb back onto the bed and hold pressure to his stomach.

"Have you called an ambulance?" I say as I keep my attention half on Alec and my dad and half on Dustin and Justin. I don't trust them.

"Get out of my room." I say as I look at them. They comply and walk downstairs. "Actually get out of my house all together and don't ever come back!" I yell.

"Why can't my friends come back?" Taylor says as he walks in with a bunch of yowled in his hands and just then the front door slams shut.
"Because I said so and I don't like them at all. The looks they give me." I shiver and take a towel and hold it to Alecs stomach.

His breathing is becoming shallower by the minuet.

"Dad. He's not breathing properly." I says. My dad checks his pulse and just then the doorbell goes. Taylor runs downstairs and runs up a second later with the paramedics following close behind.

"What happened?" The smaller guy says as he peels me away from Alec and replaces my position.

"I'll explain in the ambulance. Now get him to the hospital before he bless out." I say. They get him on the gurney thing and take him outside.

I climb into the back with the small guy as he holds Alecs wound.

"What happened?" He asks once were driving off to the hospital.

"Well last night he got in an argument with his mum and she went and got drunk and she was really upset so she was throwing things around and a shard of glass lodged into his stomach. He didn't want to go to the hospital so he got me to stitch him up and then he stayed at mine. I woke up this morning and he was bleeding and he wouldn't wake up." I explain.

The paramedic nods and puts more pressure into his stomach.

"Hurry up." The small guy says. The ambulance goes faster and we get to the hospital a few minuets later.

"What's your relationship?" He says as we get out the ambulance to find a bunch of doctors and nurses ready.

"Friends. Close friends. And neighbours." I say. The paramedic nods and soon Alec is taken into the operating room.

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