The Rana Palace

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Avani, where are you,come out side please.I am trying to act like I couldn't see her hiding behind the piller.
Avani please come outside you have to eat.Again i tried and she giggled.She is so lovely.She is the grandaughter of Rana pratap singh and daughter of Arnab rana pratap singh.Shalini Arnab rana pratap singh is her mother and she gives me the work of feeding avani.

There is my avani.I hold her from behind and she started laughing loudly.

'Mira come to kitchen I need your help 'my mother beena called me.

Yes mother i am coming in ten minutes.I said to my mother and started feeding avani.Today is shivratri so everyone is so busy.My mother along with other maids preparing the different types of dishes for rana's and their guest.

Ahhhh! no more bulbul i am full.Avani started crying.

Just one more bite avani .please!She takes only one bite after saying this is only for you.

Ah! This kid ,she is the most empathetic one in this haveli (palace)i don't know if she has rana's blood or not.

'what are you thinking mira she is just a child how can she have the cruilty of rana's.' I said to myself.

Bulbul let's play hideandsee.Avani said to me.Please bulbul!Now she is giving me her puppy eyes.I chuckled at her antics but I have to help mother so i declined her.

No avani I have to help others.Shivratri is today remeber.I tried to convince her.

No I want to play.Avani agin tried in her childish voice.

Avani come to room now.A loud voice roared from behind me and she is none other than Manya rana pratap singh,wife of abhendra rana pratap singh, daughter in law of rana pratap singh and the lady of this palace.

Abhendra rana pratap singh is a leading business tycoon in country.One of the ten richest people in world,very strict, disciplined and prideful person.Manya rana pratap singh is very beautiful,classy, intelligent and also a prideful women.Well that's make them the powercoule in everyone's eyes.

Dadi! Avani run to her and she holds her hand and drag her upstairs.

Why are you not ready yet?where is your mother and how many times I have told you to stay away from servants .She starts to lecture her on the way to room.

Ouch! That's hurt

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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