They find you

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(You are human in these scenarios btw)


You were walking up to the stump when somebody started playing the computer version of daisy bell. You looked at the leaderboard, and saw a gorilla known as Daisy09. You saw her at the stump, and RAN. You were branching all over the place, wall jumping, scaling, just trying to escape her. She eventually caught you, but for some reason, didn't kill you. She had pity, seeing that you don't have anyone to care for you. She shut off her music, and in a very soothing voice, said "You don't have a family, do you?" You slowly nodded, tears streaming down your eyes. She took note of your tears and wiped them off with her finger. "It's okay, little one. I will take care of you." She said as she walked closer to you, resulting in you backing away. "I will not hurt you, I promise." she said. You walked up to the gorilla towering over you(Yes, she's taller than you. Like I said, you are human. I just think we need variety in these fanfics). You slowly walk up to her, and hug her. She hugs back, and you two walk to the gorilla tag creepypasta mansion.


You were branching, and practicing routes, when you heard a demonic voice. You knew who this was, having heard the legend of PBBV. You then looked at the leaderboard, and what do you know? PBBV was there. You turned around and he was right in front of you. You started running. He chased you, and caught you. He was going to kill you, but for some reason, he felt like he needed to protect you. He just.. stared at you. He then spoke in a deep demonic voice, "Hello. If I may ask, where are y-y-your parents-s-s-s?(when a letter repeats, that means it's an audio glitch.)" "*sniffle* They don't exist anymore..." PBBV was shocked. Who could have done this? "Child... I will take care of you if you would like that." he said. You looked up at him, and nodded. "Come. We shall walk to your new home." Then, you two walked to the mansion.


You were wall jumping when you heard Run Rabbit Run. You saw a lime green gorilla at the stump, and started running from it. J3VU started chasing you, but you weren't about to die to a green monkey. You ran, and branched, and scaled stump, and wall jumped, etc. He caught you though, and you were left backing into a corner. He stopped his song, and stared at you. Normally, he would kill his victims without hesitation, but he felt like he shouldn't kill you. In a robotic voice, he said "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. Just, come here, please?" You hesitated, but slowly nodded and walked to him. He pulled me into a hug, and he knew how your parents had died. "I won't let anybody hurt you, I promise." He said. Then he took your hand, er, he gave you a piggyback ride(monkes have no L E G S) back to the mansion.


You were just vibing to the cave music, when you saw that "Echo" joined the game. You thought that it was just some random person who managed to join your server. But when you saw her, you started running. You ran into the mines, which was a bad idea. Every turn, Echo was there. No matter where you went, she was there. You eventually gave up, and just sat down and cried. She walked up to you, and just... stared at you. She then walked closer to you, and pulled you into a hug. You were a bit shocked, but you hugged back. "Do you want me to take you home?" she asked. As soon as she said "home", you started to silently cry into her chest. "I don't have a home..." You said through tears. Echo thought for a second, and then she made the decision. "I will take care of you, I promise."


Hey! Ultra here. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I will be making more chapters as well, so keep an eye out for those. Tips on story writing are appreciated. See you in the next chapter!

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