chapter 1

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M/n was a 8 year old boy. He was born in a outcast town. It was a small town surrounded by miles and miles, days on days of forest. With one road that went to the city that was about 3 hour drive away.

He was a only child, with both parents working in the city. So he was often alone. The town was different from other towns as they had a rule. A single rule everyone would follow, like it was a law. And to them it was.

Never go in the forest.

And no one ever did, and if they did. The forest was 10 feet of dead, old, thin, tall trees. Surrounded by a thick fog that only allowed you to see that 10 feet in.

M/n was s curious young boy. And that made him a outcast. No one was curious here, and no one wanted to be.

Curious killed that cat.

Being known as the kid freak wasn't fun. So one really liked him, not even the adults. But regardless he wasn't sad, just not happy.

And one day after school. He got a snack and went to his backyard and looked at the trees. He always wondered what was in there. And today he would find out.

As he left a note saying he went into the woods for his parents he went back outside, standing at the tree line. With a deep inhale and exhale he walked in. Around tree and tree, not being able to see much past the fog.

It got thicker and thicker into it was no more. Like it was a barrier the fog was gone and now the dead trees were big bold and alive. The grass was so green, and the leaves as well. The trees had beautiful brown bark. Birds singing and deer running. Bunnies hopping.

It was like a wonderland. Walking in farther he saw so many things. And found a river with some bushes here and there. Sitting by it m/n looked in at the fish.

Rules are there for a reason.

Hearing a rustling and m/n looked up to the other side of the river. Slightly scared into a deer jumped out and over to the other side of the ricer past m/n.

With a sigh m/n calmed himself. He went to look back at the fish but as he turned around from the same way the deer came a monster jumped out. It was giant and with its mouth open coming at m/n right for his head. Everything draws a blank line.

He remembers nothing else. Everything was black.

Into a small white bot formed. It got bigger.

And bigger.

And bigger.

And bigger.

Until everything was white. A blinding white light. And as m/n opened his eyes.

He was in the forest. The blue sky above. Aninals surrounded him with no fear. As he slowly got up he saw he was taller. And felt warm. He felt different. Looking in the river he saw his reflection.

He was the monster.

No longer a human boy he looked just like the monster but instead of his fur was f/c and sf/c. With a (pattern design) pattern in the fur. His e/cs shinning. And he didn't know how. But he knew, he was supposed to protect this forest.

These animals. Their home.

His home.


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