Easton SEDUCES Anthony???? 😱😱😱 REAL!!!!1!

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"You don't mind if i stay here for a while??" 
  Easton asked, dropping his bags.  Anthony shook his head no, and plopped down on his bed, too tired to question why Easton was out in the middle of the night, sneaking through his window. He'd look up at the celling as Easton made himself at home, soon sitting beside Anthony on the bed. Anthony would shoot his glance towards him, as he slowly sat himself up right. They'd look at each other for a second, something seemed.. different. Easton was, quiet. Too quiet. Usually he'd say something with a smile on his face, or at least be the first one too shoot charming and solemn eyes his way. They were different. They held something different this time. What was it..?? He couldn't tell, so he averted his eyes after looking into them for that split second.
He'd pull out a drawer with a box of cigarettes in it. He'd snatch it up and take one out. He'd look at Easton, who would also get up and make his way over to him. He gave a cig to Easton, as they made their way up on the roof. They'd open the window and climb out, both standing up on the slanted shingled roof. The moon was out, it looked quite pretty.  They'd both sit down, and Anthony would take a lighter out of his pocket and lit his cigarette. He'd inhale then puff some smoke out. He'd put the cig back in his mouth, then offer the lighter to Easton. Easton would look at the lighter, but then shake his head slowly. He'd swat Anthony's hand with the lighter in it gently, and get closer to him. Easton would gently grab Anthony's chin, as he put the cigarette in his mouth, holding it steady with his other hand. He'd put his cigarette up to Anthony's, holding it there. He'd close his eyes for a second, till then he got a light on his cig. 
Anthony would roll his eyes. Easton has done this before, all for different reasons. He wondered what the reasoning was now, but didn't ask. He wanted to keep it casual right now.
"If you wanted a kiss, you could've just asked" Anthony joked, after taking another hit of his cig. Easton would shake his head and puff out some smoke too. Strangely, he didn't say anything though. 
"Everything alright..?" Anthony would tilt his head at Easton upon asking, with a semi-worried look. Easton would take a breath before speaking.
"Yeah" He'd say, not looking at him. Anthony would take another hit. Something was wrong, he knew, but seemed to not be able to bring himself to ask about it. After a moment of silence, Easton would speak again. 
"Do you think I'm.. weird?" He'd examine his cigarette before lookin at Anthony for an answer. Anthony would raise his eyebrows a bit. Why would he ask this? Did someone call him that?
"No.. of course I don't. If anything, I should probably be the one asking you that. What, did someone say you were?" He'd ask, and Easton would shake his head no. 
"Funny how i just pop in and your life is suddenly paved so differently.." He explained. "I could disappear any moment, y'know?? No trace left of me.. but then I'd miss you." He'd frown, and Anthony would would look at him, trying to figure out what this was about. "Easton, are you like.." Easton would chuckle. 
"You really have no idea, do you? I didn't either too, honestly. I love you so much though, y'know?" Anthony would fall silent. He'd put his hands on the roof to try and steady himself and his thoughts. Easton would sigh, and put out his cigarette. 
"Someday.." He explained "I'll do something great,, and you'll be there to see it. When that happens, know everything we've been through happened for a reason. A reason, for us to be together. I want to spend an eternity with you, querido." Anthony would just stare. He was touched.. but what did this mean?? 
"What- what are you talking about??" Anthony asked confused, and Easton smiled. It was his signature smile, the one Anthony loved so much. The one he fell in love with.
"I think I just smoked a bit too much pot today, don't think this cigarette helped." He said with a laugh, and Anthony would raise an eyebrow as his face relaxed. All that alarming stuff Easton just said got thrown out the window, almost. Anthony sighed with relief, and looked at him longingly. He'd get up and extend his hand out to Easton and would help him up, as they made their way back inside. Anthony would look at his phone charging, as Easton went through his stuff. Anthony felt as though he was gonna pass out, he was not ready for those midterms. 
With everything, Easton would head to the bathroom and look around. He looked at himself in the mirror, studying it for a moment. He looked down at his hands, staring at them too. He'd sit down on the floor, and comb his hair with his hands. He was different. Different than everybody else. He was artificial, and he could disappear, just like that, and nobody would really remember him. Not even Anthony. Was someone calling for him?? He lied, he never smoked any pot today. He listened..

It was just Anthony. He got up and opened the bathroom door to come back to him.

He said he always would.

// Doing this in my free time, thank god for Winter Break 😭 I literally dont know what this is, but i think im onto something, gotta love my lore guys 😘//

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