Snow Date

267 13 58

// Third Person POV //

The next morning Wilbur and Quackity woke up together.
Quackity fell out of the bed a little freaked out by the added comfort to his bed, while Wilbur was calmer just chuckling at Q falling out of the bed.

Q coughed into his arm sitting up on the floor
"God- why does my throat hurt?"

"It's probably just sore."
He got out of bed and went over to the shorter male.

"Cause of... last ni-night?"
He grabbed Wilbur's hand and was pulled up by him. He nodded with a small smile showing on his face.

"Is... that for friends?"
Q was sat down on the bed by Wil who kissed his forehead.
"Anything can be normal if you make it."

Wilbur left the room leaving Quackity sat on the bed a blushing mess.

Did... he just... hot? So... this is happening again?
Fuck yeahhh!

Q smiled to himself wagging his tail and twitching his wings.

--_-- 3 Days Later --_--


Quackity was standing in front of the furnace watching as some iron smelted into a bar. 

"Hello Q~"
Wil walked up behind him resting his head on his right shoulder.
"Hello Wil," He moved his eyes to look at him smiling.

"How come you're always on my right?"

"So I don't scare you badly, since you can see me"

"Hmm... that's pretty thoughtful of you..."
He chuckled leaning back on Wil.
"Did you want something?"

He shook his head and hugged the duck from behind, "Just wanted to hug you..."
"You always just wanna hug me-"
Q laughed holding Wils hands that were wrapped around his torso.

There was a knock at the door catching the two off their guard.
Quackity pulled Wil's hands off of him and went over to the door and opened it.

"Oh, hi niñito, do you need something?"
Tubbo was smiling at his mother.

"Not really! Just wanted to know if I could, steal you?"
He asked pointing out toward the snow-covered ground.

"Uhmm... yeah sure," Q looked back inside and grabbed a coat,
"Amor, I've gotta go I'll be back!"
Wil nodded sitting on the furnace smiling, "Alright duckling!"

Q walked out of the house and shut the door behind him.
"What does that mean?" The goat hybrid asked walking down the steps.

"Amor? Just means... someone you're close to... Anyway, what did you want?"
Tubbo and Quackity walked through the snow.

Q was now wearing snow boots this time as to not get his feet cold.
"You and Wilbur close?"
Tubbo smiled eyeing Q.

"Well, yeah... he's great"
The two continued through the snow...


Wilbur put some of the smelted iron in the chests downstairs where his room was supposed to be, but as of late he hasn't been sleeping in there.

When he went back upstairs someone knocked at the door, he went over to it and opened the door seeing Fundy and Tommy.

"Hey, dad!"

"Hello, Wilbur. We are going to get you a date."

The two had very different greetings which caught Wilbur off guard.
"You're what..."

"You're wife left you right?"
Fundy eyed Tommy with a concerned confused look.
"Tommy-" Wilbur started being cut off, "And so did your ex-boyfriend right?"

"You just said ex..."

"Yes or no."

"Well... yea-"

"Well, we think you need to get back out there and get it on with someone new!"
Tommy proudly placed his fists on his hips while Fundy's ears went back in embarrassment, "Someone... new?" Wil cocked a brow looking at the two.

"Quackity... I don't know his last name but Quackity is the perfect match for you"

"Mostly because he's like... one of the only people you've been close to-"
Fundy tried to clarify.

"What did you two do?"
Wilbur stepped outside shutting the door behind him, "got you a date."
"Does Quackity even know about it?" 

Tommy nodded his head while Fundy shook his.
Wilbur sighed, "Alright... let me get dressed-"

Gonna skip to the date cause this is just like a filler chapter really ->-
also I'm feeling lazy-

Wilbur and Quackity sat at a spruce table staring at each other with Tommy, Tubbo, and Fundy surrounding them.

"You know... this would be a lot nicer if there weren't children surrounding us-"
Wilbur glanced at the three smiling a bit as did Q.
"Agreed... I love you guys but... fuck off-"

Tommy and Tubbo laughed while Fundy just left after saying bye.

"Tommy, Tubbo. Fuck off please-"
They laughed more but walked away in the end leaving the two alone.

The brunette looked at his date smiling, "I thought they'd never leave."
Q smiled nodding his head in agreement, "Yeah... they were a little too excited about this hmm..."

"Are you not?"
Quackity jumped at the question sitting up in his chair, "Of course I was- am... shit-"
Wilbur laughed as Quackity stammered over his answer.

"I know duckling, I was just joking-" He placed his hand on top of Quackity's smiling at him.

"Oh... I knew that..." The hybrid looked down at the snow-covered ground. (769)

Wil laughed more and moved his hand off of Q's, "I know darling."

"You know a lot hmm..."

"Oh, you have no idea..."


-Word Count: 789-

I was kind of lazy with this one and I'm sorry for that-
and I hope next chapter will be better :]

I also hope you all have a wonderful Day/Afternoon/Night
Make sure you eat something and drink your holy water >:D

Also, I ate something August -v-
Clouds is no longer starving :D

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