42. 70.3%

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Hailey Aspen-

I laid there, the cold jelly and little machine being pressed onto my belly as Travis and I had our eyes pasted on the screen, his hands massaging my own.

"Girl- how did you not know?" The woman looked at me and I laughed.

"I thought every pregnancy meant puking and morning sickness." I was slightly embarrassed.

"Oh no, not at all, they're all different." She told me.

"Is the wives tale true about no morning sickness being a girl?" Travis asked.

"No, unfortunately not, it could very well be a boy. But we don't know until a week from now." She told me.

"How? I'm only 10 arent I?" I frowned.

"When did you try?" She asked.

I pulled my phone out and looked.

"Oh." I looked at the calendar.

"Yeah. We did the blood testing. Today you're at 11 weeks. You're very much bloating, but I understand where you're coming from." She smiled kindly before finding the little guy in there.

"Oh wow." I gasped.

Travis put his forehead on the back of my hand while clutching it.

I saw his shoulders bounce.

"Baby are you laughing or crying?" I asked and he didn't answer so I took that as crying.

"There they are." She cooed.

"How did I not know?" I whispered.

"Oh wow. Alright, well usually by 12 weeks gender is determined about 98.7% of times, at 13 weeks it's there 100% but about 70.3% of times, it can be detected at 11 weeks. We use a method called the 'nub theory'." She looked at me and Travis looked at her immediately.

"And?" I whispered.

"Well, this baby is about size of a fig, I anticipate you getting big earlier than some women, maybe due to dad's genetics, they're growing fast, and with this, we don't even have a 'nub theory' necessarily. Now I can put it in an envelope for you, or what have you maybe thought of for gender reveal?" She asked.

At this point my ears were ringing, I felt slightly lightheaded.

"What do we wanna do?" Travis asked me.

"I wanna know soon. Or I'd prefer to, how do you feel?" I asked him.

"Baby I'll do anything you want." He told me, his eyes wide.

"I wanna know." I whispered.

"Now?" She asked.

"Now." I nodded.

I looked at the screen as she pressed the little thing against my stomach again.

She pointed to the screen, zooming in with her free hand.

"Do you see that?" She pointed at a little blob on the baby.

"Is it a boy?" I whispered.

"It's a boy." She smiled.

I gasped, this feeling so insane.

"For sure?" I whispered.

"Positive, and unfortunately I have to work with doctor because our little free gap is about to be over, but make an appointment next week and we can do a vaginal ultrasound to hear baby's heartbeat. It's not gonna be loud over your belly, you're not quite there yet." She nodded.

"Thank you so much." I smiled, taking the warm rag from her and wiping the gel off my bloated belly.

I didn't believe them. Until he showed me a before and after picture.

But I'm honestly very excited for the day I pop. To feel him.



That's so strange.

I stood, pulling my sweater down.

I frowned seeing Travis crying, trying to be silent.

The nurse gave me a sweet smile before having to leave.

"What's wrong?" I whispered, massaging his scalp with my nails.

He stood, wrapping his arms around me as he just shook, trembling in my arms. Breaking my heart.

"I'm so happy." He whispered through cries.

"I am too." I kissed him, my heart fluttering.

"I think I should take my belly piercing out." I whispered and he laughed.

"We can do that at home love."

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