Chapter 3

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The team dispersed after we had debriefed further on the plane. Nick Skirvin's body had been found, 20 miles from where the others were found. I watched as Aaron moved to sit away from everyone, burying himself in the case and socialising with no one. I hadn't noticed before but he had changed from his suit into more casual attire, and if I'm going to be completely honest, he looked hot. My thoughts were interrupted when JJ, who was sitting on the couch beside me, asked me a question I didn't entirely listen to. "Pardon?" She giggled a bit at my response.

"So, you're Australian, why did you move here?" she asked again.

"Oh, right. I wanted to study psychology abroad so I applied for a scholarship at Harvard. It surprised me when they were very happy to have me."

"What made you choose the FBI?" Derek quizzed. 

"After 3 years of living here I applied for citizenship, it took about a year but it got accepted. By that point, I was beginning to look at all the jobs my PhD could get me into. I saw the FBI, and then when I finished my training, they thought I was best suited for the BAU. Although I think that was heavily influenced by my memory." My response caught Spencer's attention.

"Your memory?" he asked. Everyone was now listening, Aaron even putting down his tablet and moving to sit next to me, everyone studying my expression.

"I have hyperthymesia, which allows me to remember pretty much everything in my life." Derek laughs at this, punching Spencer's arm semi-softly.

"Sorry, Pretty boy, I think that trumps eidetic memory." Spencer looks at the muscular man with a confused look on his face.

"What is your IQ?" It was clear Spencer was concerned that he wasn't the smartest anymore and it made everyone laugh a little bit.

"167" I answered and Spencer let out a sigh of relief, sending everyone into a fit of laughter. I looked at Aaron to see if he was at least smiling to find him laughing quietly to himself. A smile grew on my face as more questions were asked.

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It wasn't long before we wrapped up the case. We arrested Chase Whitaker and were able to save 2 people. We were back in Quantico fairly quickly, piles of reports to fill already waiting at our desks. It didn't take me long to realise I did not have a desk yet, I walked to Aaron's office, knocked and entered. "I um... I don't have a desk yet."

"Yeah, sorry about that. We are still waiting on one for you, we have someone retiring in a month so you will get their desk in the bullpen when he leaves. You will have to do your reports in here until then."

"Okay, that's fine." He passed me my files and I sat opposite him and began to fill them out. I hadn't noticed how much time had passed but suddenly it was just after midnight and I still had 2 more files to complete. Aaron reached over and took one of the 2 incomplete ones and started filling it out for me. We were the only ones left on the floor, everyone else had finished their reports and left for the night. "I can fill that out you know, go home to Jack." He looked at me with a concerned face. I giggled a bit as I realised he didn't remember telling me about Jack at the bar the other night.

"What's funny? How do you know my son's name?"

"You told me."

"When? Because I do not remember it!" I laughed more now.

"The other night, at the bar." His look of realisation made me laugh uncontrollably while he just sat there smiling at me, mentally punching himself. Once I calmed down we got back to the files, both of us making small talk and joking with each other. Eventually, we finished the last of the reports, our eyes barely staying open. Seriously though, Aaron could hardly stay awake. "Did you sleep at all during the case?" He looked at me with a guilty look in his eyes.

"Nope" was all he said before he took his phone from his pocket and began calling someone, "Hey, Jessica... look I'm not going to make it home... thank you." I looked at him confused. "That was Jessica, Jack's Aunt. She watches him when I'm not there," I nod, now understanding, "I am going to crash here tonight."

"Aaron, you can't do that." I look at him disappointed.

"It's fine, I do it a lot, and besides, I can't drive like this. Go home and get some rest, I will see you in the morning." 

"Okay. Thanks for helping me out before." I step forward and perch myself on the tips of my toes, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. I step and watch the pinkish spread across his face. I smile at him before walking out of the office and out of the building and to my car. It was nights like these that became a common occurrence for Aaron and I over the next month. It gave us both something to look forward to after a case and if I am going, to be honest, I had started to form a small crush on him.

Stop Y/N, he is your boss. 

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Hotch's POV:

It's been a month since the night I first met Y/N and she hasn't left my mind ever since. I have been telling myself over and over again that I can't have these feelings for her but I can't help it. My mind often goes back to that night. The way she kissed me, how soft her skin felt, and the warmth of her body. Every inch of me craved to feel it again, feel her again and whenever she wasn't near me I missed her presence. I tried to ignore the fact that the night we shared was the first night I had slept without having a nightmare since Haley died. Something about her made me feel secure and happy, but I couldn't let that cloud my judgement, I couldn't let it affect my work. These feelings I had for her would make it hard for me to work.

I can't let that happen.

Something Unexpected (Aaron Hotchner x femReader)Where stories live. Discover now