CHAPTER ONE : Secret Santa

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"Hurry up Keo!"
I rush him to the inside of the mall.

"I mean its freezing out there, why are you so slow!" I ask annoyed.

Keo rolls his eyes, "Okay, okay. I'm sorry, let's just get this over with."

Justin and I agree and start walking around.

Arlene is throwing a huge Christmas party and the whole school was invited. She was really excited about doing secret santa so we all agreed to, but i really just didnt expect to get Nash. AKA the biggest jerk to exist ever.

"OMG! LOOK. AT. THAT. STAND." I scream in excitement rushing over to the small pop-up store in the middle of the mall.

Justin and Keo drag themselves over, unamused at the stand filled with various snowglobes.

"I just don't get whats so special about snow globes anyway Y/N." Justin says, annoyed that we had to stop.

"Shhh...whatever makes her happy" Keo whispers.

"I want one but I only have 70 bucks and I bet Nash's gift is gonna be expensive, and I wanna get soemthing for Richie too." I groan, upset.

As we all spoke about the snowglobes, a man cloaked in red velvet and a long luscious beard had began to peer over our shoulders. Mall Santa.

"Would you lovely children like to come take a photo with Santa? only fifteen dollars per person, Ho Ho Ho!" The man exclaims.

Awkwardly, Keo manages to say, "I'm sorry sir, but we have lots of gifts to buy so im afraid we wont have enough money to spare..."

The Santa stands still for a moment, and then looks at us blankly. I then notice a stream of tears coming out of his eyes.

"Ho Ho Ho...I'm sorry...its just all day nobody wanted to take a picture with me, i fear you kids have lost the christmas cheer!" He says as he wipes hjs tears.

"No no! Don't cry! Okay okay we'll do it, we'll do it!" I say hestitantly.

"Ho ho ho! well what are you waiting for? Come on!" Santa leads us over to his picture station cheerfully.

After we took pictures we milled around  the mall for a few hours, we were all tired but the new stores were so enticing that we forgot why we were there.

"Oh my god! Look at the time guys we havent even gotten our gifts yet!" I exclaim, worried.

"I think im just gonna order mine online, Richard's easy to shop for." Keo says.

Complaining, justin says, "Ughhh I dont know what to get Arlene! She's rich and probably has everything in this mall alreadyyyuhh."

"Maybe you should make her something! Like a card?" I suggest.

"Yeah..i probably will then.." Justin says, feeling defeated.

"Okay then to PINK we go!" i say excited to get the present for Nash and leave.

We head over to PINK and look around, everything was really expensive but Keo helped me with the cost and lended me 20 dollars. I got it pre wrapped. We then headed to Hot Topic to get Richie's present.

"What do I get? I dont even know him that well..." I say upset.

"Ummm Keo! You know him well, what does he like?" Justin adds

"I told you we aren't even friends!" Keo defended, "Just hurry up already."

I looked around for awhile and eventually found a body lotion "Créme by Richie" and laughed at the name for awhile with Justin, but Keo was still pouting. Eventually, me and Justin went home and Keo said he was gonna take the train because he didnt wanna uber with us. When we got home I wrapped Richard's present and went to sleep looking forward to the party the next day.

                 END OF CHAPTER ONE.

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