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(i made a few changes because i didnt like the character i originally had in mind for hayden, so he's now going to be taking Arlene's place🥴)

"Woahhh look at this house!" I say excited.

"Its huge! I wonder if everyone's there already?" Justin adds.

"Already? We're 30 minutes mate what do you mean by already? Hurry up and go in!" Keo complains..

"Oh my god youre right!" Justin and I say shocked at the time.

I rush to the door and knock, Hayden opens the door and welcomes us in. We set our gifts under the tree and place our snacks on the food table and loiter around for ahwhile.

"Hey...has anyone seen Richie?" I ask quietly.

"He just texted me and said that he'll be here soon." Keo says.

"Then that means we have enough time to come up with a plan!" Justin says excitedly.

"What do you mean by plan?" i ask.

"To get you and Richie under the mistletoe!" Justin and Keo say unanimously.

"HUH???" I say, shocked that they would even suggest such a thing.

"Oh shut up! Don't act like you don't like him!" Justin yells.

Keo starts, "Okay so the plan is Y/N stands in the archway, under the mistletoe just before Richard enters. He'll come over and talk to you and then I'll point out youre under the mistletoe and should kiss!"

"I cant do that?!?" I say confused.

"Oh my god he's coming!" Justin yells.

Keo pushes me under the arch way and just as i was about to move Richard walks in the door and waves, so I have no choice but to stay as he walks closer and closer.

"Y/N!" Richard yells from the front door.

(EDITORS NOTE: god i really dont wanna finish this fuckfuckfukcufkfkfuckfuck im leaving this here for today because ive spent four days working on this and im over it ill be back next week...or month maybe)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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