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I heard faint sounds outside of my dorm. As milliseconds passed, they were louder and louder. "Come in" I said without even hesitating for a few seconds. The door burst open and I could see my grandfathers phoenix just in the middle of the doorway carrying an envelope with a red dot in the middle.

I chuckled, realizing what it was. I signaled the red phoenix to enter my room and he swiftly made his way over to my bed. He dropped the letter from his beak and it landed right into my palms.

"Thank you dear. Oh, and announce to my grandfather that he doesn't need to send me letters" I thankfully smiled. I have no idea how he would let my father know this but come on...my father is THE Albus Dumbledore. Well grandfather yes. You see, my grandfather gave me no chance to meet my parents. I don't know who they are but that is no problem to me.

I didn't even have to open the letter since I knew the information needed for the school. But I still did, rather. After I almost ripped the thin paper, I put it on my bedside table with my lamp and my collection of necklaces.

My collection was big, let me tell you. I had a necklace from every teacher because they thought it would be a funny gift for my birthday. Some were odd. Like a necklace made from snake shed from professor Quirel.

Some were very pretty. Like from professor McGonagall. It was a gold chain necklace with a red ruby in the middle to represent Gryffindor pride. Oh, and yes...by the way, I still have no clue which house I am going to be in. Every professor has said something else.

And grandfather refused to let me be sorted because I should be treated like every other kid in the school of magic.

As I layed down I decided it would be the best idea to do something. The whole summer I was either in my room or in the hall eating. I skipped my way to my grandfather's office. As I made my way there I passed some elfs.

"Good morning miss Y/n" They smiled at my presence. I loved the elves in Hogwarts. They were the nicest ones here. "Good morning to all of you" I declared to them with a warm smile.

I finally got to the eagle statue. Before saying a word I heard a faint voice "Y/n I am right here" I turned around and saw my grandfather standing there. I smiled and made my way to him.

"Good Morning" I said looking at him. "Good morning to you. As you know again I have some plans for you today. First of all...you will go with Hagrid to pick up Harry Potter. The letters were still not enough." I almost burst out laughing.

The letters were still not enough. What does this boy think it's some sort of prank we are pulling on him? He seemed to notice my smile that was about to change to laughter and he patted my back.

As I was about to leave to Hagrid hut to make plans about picking up Harry, grandfather yelled. "Oh and it's Harry's birthday by the way so....make him something." Well that changed the situation.

-Time skip to you in Hagrid's hut-

"You think he would want a dragon eh?" Hagrid suggested showing a small egg which was hatching right that second.

"I don't think he would like a dragon, Hagrid. Although it's a good idea, why not make him a cake?" I suggested. He thought about it for a bit and nodded so we got to work.

After a lot of flour on the floor, egg splitting and cracking, and licking the spatula with the chocolate pudding off, the cake was finally done. It was a salmon color and some green strips around it.

I didn't even realize and looked outside to see the plain night. "Oh Hagrid, I'm so sorry I have to go. I will get here tomorrow at lets say 18:00." I said and quickly put my coat on to leave the hut.

Call my Grandfather weird but I have to be in bed exactly at 22:00. I didn't know what time it was so I hurried into my dorm.


OKAYY first chapter done. Hope you guys like it. Also I don't know if this book will just first year and then the second year will be a different book but I will see :D

Thank you so much for reading until the end.

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-Potterxduck 🐥

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