Chapter 4

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It was a well-known fact that the Purist Pack had the weakest defense lines in guarding their territory, but no one dared to go there because of the rumors swirling around about their peculiar behaviors and beliefs. Even with a new Alpha in play, the defense seemed to be even worse than before with little to no guards. This was something he found out quickly and exploited their flaw in structure. Choosing to be a rogue was risky at best and most packs tend to kill them, but it was the quickest way to get in, he just hoped his plan worked.

After cleansing his body of his pack scent for a more earthy tone, perfect for that of a lone wolf. Cypher spent the last three days in their forest foraging on their lands for wildlife food, plants, and herbs. It was something he was used to as a child after his mother's death. The lone wolf lifestyle he practically grew up on, moving from land to land and learning about different plants to eat and avoid and how to hunt in human form. It was one of the darkest times in his childhood, but it was something that he was grateful for, that his father taught him. On the third night, he purposely hunted close to their inner pack lands, being strategic in leaving his scent in certain areas but not making it too obvious. The trail he created led them straight back to his camp where he relaxed under the light of the stars with a full tummy and a relaxed composure. Once he sensed wolves approaching, he closed his eyes, pretending to be fast asleep as the last of his campfire flickered with its last breath.

You better brace yourself for a fight! He warned his wolf who was peacefully resting. His wolf lifted his head, seemly testing the strength of the approaching wolves, smirked, and went back to resting, unbothered by the approaching 'threat'.

If you can't do these twats by yourself then you don't deserve to be here. You should start running buddy because I'm too tired for this. His wolf replied in a mischievous tone and rolled on its back. Besides you were the one who wanted to do this mission, not me. Then he went off to a seemly deep nap.

You are a cheeky, lazy bugger! He scolded as he got to his feet while pulling a small dagger from its sheath in his boot. He would have to fight his way alone out of this because his wolf wouldn't help him unless he was getting his ass whooped and if he ever did by the likes of these men, he would never hear the end of it.

They came at him in their wolf forms, two at a time. With ease, he unbalanced them by knocking them on their asses and getting a few punches and kicks in. He focused his attacks on their vulnerable parts such as their underbelly, nose, and back legs. He kept the dagger gripped in his hands but refused to use it on them until absolutely necessary. The heated battle raged on for minutes with the sounds of annoyed wolves with battle cries drifting in the wind. That brought on more wolves which made maneuvering through their attacks tricky at best. One wolf managed to swipe his claws at his back and he retaliated by using his knife across his underbelly. The commotion drew the attention of the alpha who walked casually into the chaos of the battle and to say the Cypher was stunned would be an understatement.

Cypher almost got his face torn into when he paused briefly to stare at the alpha, but he was light and quick on his feet and narrowly avoided the blow. The new alpha looked like the splitting image of Alpha Max but younger by maybe five years with Raven black hair.

"ENOUGH!" the new alpha shouted which had everyone pausing in mid-action and all wolves shifted back into their human form. "You're an interesting fellow," he said as he walked straight towards Cypher who held his defensive position. He would be damned if he relaxed just for the alpha to kill him or have one of his people do it. "What are you doing on my land?"

"I am just passing through. I didn't mean to intrude but I didn't think you guys would mind since no one was guarding this area." Cypher said, putting on a thick southern accent.

"Ahh, so you are a rogue..."

"No, I'm a lone wolf."

"Isn't that the same thing? Anyways," he waved away the topic. "What's your name?"



"Just Dex, my parents didn't believe in last names."

"Oh. Dex why don't you relax your stance, me or my men won't hurt you."

"With all due respect sir, I rather not," he said as he eyed the one wolf that he slit with his dagger.

"EVERYONE LEAVE!" he shouted.

"But Alpha..." one wolf said as he eyed Cypher wearily from the corner of his eyes. The new alpha gave him a look of death and all of them drifted into the darkness of the forest.

"If you think I will relax because they left you are mistaken. Those idiots couldn't fight to save their lives, but you are the Alpha that means power." Cypher said, positioning his feet to hold his stance better.

"I expected nothing less," he said and sat in the middle of the field with his legs tucked under him. The position left him extremely vulnerable which made Cypher relax visibly but he didn't sheath his dagger. "Have you ever considered joining a pack? A man of your skills would be extremely valuable."

"As you called me earlier, a rogue. Most packs wouldn't dare welcome me into their packs, no matter how valuable you see me. Besides this is the only way of life I know; I might not be able to live among other wolves."

"You should join my pack. We have a cabin out in the woods, it needs a bit of work but it's perfect for you because it's far away enough from everyone. You'll have the support of your fellow wolves and a community to call your own. In exchange, you would train my enforcers. As you can clearly see they are useless."

"This offer seems like the type I can't refuse."

"Well, I would have no choice but to exercise my right after all you trespassed on my land," he said and looked around at the now destroyed camp "and hunted our food."

"Fine! But I don't promise I'll go easy on your men."

"I don't want you to!" he said and got up to turn towards the pack house. Cypher slipped his dagger into his sheath, grabbed his knapsack, and followed him. He stared pointedly at the back of the new alpha's head, still shocked that he looked so much like Max but as far as he was concerned, Max didn't have any siblings to speak of and his parents died in a tragic accident when he was four years old.

The One Who Infiltrated (Wolf Creed Pack, 2)Where stories live. Discover now