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Chapter 11.

The next day Metyn stayed curled up in the back of his cage. He didn't respond to Elvyre's caressing voices or touch the plate of food the Talaya slipped into his cage.

When he still refused eat the following day, Elvyre force fed him a syringe filled with blue gruel. The boy gagged and struggled, scratching the Talaya's wrists bloody. Afterwards, he darted back into his cage, coughing and shivering.

It was painful to watch. Syl had once heard of a dog who stopped eating after its owner passed away. He wondered if Metyn wanted to die.

Elvyre eventually took the Dreen to bed again. He permitted Syl and Reja to cuddle alone the first night, but the day after he made them include Metyn.

Just a week ago the forced contact would have made Syl feel guilty, but his personal boundaries had been crossed so many times, he barely remembered what they used to be.

"He stinks." Reja grumbled.

Cynen made a short humming sound behind them. It sounded amused.

Syl sniffed Metyn's pink hair, but he could only smell fur.

"I don't smell anything." He said quietly, mindful of Metyn's tipped ear right next to his mouth.

"He smells sour. It's that stuff master gives him." Reja wrinkled his flat nose.

Syl felt a hint a dread. "Do I stink?"

Elvyre didn't drug Syl often anymore, but the chemicals might still linger in his pores.

Reja leaned across the Dreen and pressed his face into Syl's hair. "No," he said, voice muffled, "you smell like you and me."

Syl lifted his arm and pulled Reja's soft body closer, smiling when a curved hind leg folded around his hip. Cuddling with Reja was one of his favorite activities now. The boy could purr for hours on end and the vibrations in his body were the most soothing sensation.

"Don't forget Metyn." Elvyre said, emerging from the shower. His blue skin glistened with moisture and he slid in beside Cynen, curling into his lover's arms. Reja grudgingly released Syl and settled back against Metyn with an annoyed hiss.

Syl tucked his chin against the Dreen's head and draped his arm across a thin waist, fingers burrowing into the fluff on Reja's belly. When Metyn woke up, he could easily turn his head and tear out Syl's throat.

Metyn hadn't attacked Syl since that first night, but he hadn't had a chance to either. Syl's heart thudded and he squeezed his eyes shut. He willed his body to relax and his breaths to slow. He felt a tremor run through Metyn and his mouth went dry.

He wasn't surprised when he heard a scrape of a drawer and felt the Talaya lean over him. He didn't bother to open his eyes when cold metal touched his throat.

He didn't want to be drugged, but he understood why Elvyre did it. Syl's stress affected the other pets. And Reja would never accept the Dreen, if Syl didn't calm down.

Ice flared at his pulse and Syl gasped. His last coherent thought was that he hoped Reja still liked his smell after this.

He was bathed in contentment and his muscles went soft and tingly all over. He squeezed the body in his arms, feeling sharp delicate bones beneath velvet. He rubbed his face against it. It was silky, like Reja.


Syl's chest filled with warmth and he slit his eyes open to smile at the Foll.

Blurred violet orbs blinked at him, as if from far away, but suddenly Reja was very close and he was kissing Syl. It was comforting. His heavy eyes shut and he slipped away into peace.

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