getting familiar

580 11 33

The light breeze blew into my face as I walk into the new oldish? house I look around the empty house I head up the stairs to see my bedroom I push the door open and headed in.

The walls are painted a grey colour, I place my bags down and start to unpack them placing them around the room or closet for clothes. Although the places for certain items are temporarily it's only until I get more stuff like shelfs, bookshelf maybe a mattress if I'm lucky.

Shouting erupted through the house I shut the door hoping work it would muffle the noise of my parents agument. But it didn't work very well. It's becoming late and it's perfect to walk around and become familiar to the streets I thought but I should wait for my parents to calm down and head to bed.

Footsteps headed up the stairs meaning they are going to bed I grab my phone and slightly open the door there's no one there it's safe I thought creeping out my room I see the stairs down the hall looking around making sure that it's safe before heading down.

The breeze is strong I thought walking down the street I put music on not paying attention to my surroundings suddenly I fell to the ground I look up to see two boys one brunette and the other blond they carry on walking as if nothing happened.

I decide to head home before my parents wake up and I get caught. I got to the front door to see a package I pick it up I bring it in with me.

Placing the package down then I hear someone coming down the stairs "what the fuck are you doing up?" I hear my mother say "I um heard a knock on the door and saw the package and brought it in for you" my mom looked me up and down then looks at the package

"Oh it's fragile so get away from it" my mom says pushing me to the ground I pick my self up and go upstairs and find something distract myself.

Hi just to let you know that this is my first book so it might be bad

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