wierd day

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Ranboo pov
The rain cleared up as I wait outside the school for people to started to show up since it would be awkward for me even though the gates opened 10 minutes.

When people actually start to show up I head inside the building walking past the couple of people already here I mean there was an hour before we had to head to class but I only want the day to end already.

Soon I saw a boy coming up to me they looked worried "hey exuse me but are you okay?" They ask looking at me I look down to see my arms that had quite a bit of cuts "oh yeah I just fell on the way to school." I lied they nodded walking away I pull my sleeve down so no one else asks about it.

I wait outside my first class until the day begins. "RANBOOO!" I flinch slightly and turn to see tubbo running up to me "yes?" I say "there you are I've been looking for you for 12 minutes oh do you have science today" he says I nod then they hugging me out of nowhere the bell rings signaling 5 minute warning. Tubbo ran off to his class waving goodbye.

I head I side the class roomsitting down as the rest of the class sits down the boy from earlier sat next to me "hey I didn't get your name earlier I'm zach" he says "oh ranboo or mark" I say before we could say anything else the teacher started the lesson.

After school
I head inside my house to hear alot of shouting "RAN GET IN HERE WE NEED TO TALK" my father shouts noticing I entered the house "y-yes?" I stutter "what is this?" My mother puts my dairy down in front of me "oh well I had a free notebook so I started to wite in it so it became my da-" I was cut of "we are going to burn this if we find anything like this ever again you will be punish now room" my mum says I walk away all my secrets and stuff I need to so is in that.

Atleast they didn't talk about it.

Btw tommy and tubbo is a year older then ranboo hope you have a lovely day night or whatever ^^

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