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I was puzzled Justin, of all people Justin is the schools bad boy WOW!!!!!!

" I' ll show you the way" I heard a husky voice say thinking it was Justin.
"Hmm" I said as I was snapped back to reality
"I. WILL . SHOW . YOU. THE. WAY . TO . THE . PRINCIPALS. OFFICE." He said slowly so I could hear him clearly.
"Oh, thank you " I said nicely.
As we walked to the office , I really think the weirdest thing happened , Justin put his hand around my waist for no only reaction was "haaaa".
"Do I make you nervous?" He said
I pulled myself together and with a straight face I answered "no."
" I do don't I ?" He kept teasing.
""Whatever ""

When we arrived at the office Justin opened the door for me. I myself was shocked . " Since when did the bad boy opened doors for good girls?" I teased to see how he would react , but he didn't reply.
I collected my paper(s) that had the information I needed .
" So what's your locker no.?" He asked
"Am, it's 206 " I said while scanning through the papers.
"Oh, that's just 5 lockers away from mine".
On the way out of the office he opened the door for me like he did before, and that got me confused.
"Really , do you have to do that !" I yelled questionably
" Hey , I'm just being nice" he said with a stupid smirk
"Ooh , the bad boy being nice, that's a story the entire school should hear" I said with a smirk that wants to turn into a laugh on my face.
" I swear if you tell anyone about me being nice to you , you will be very sorry that you didn't keep your mouth shut!" He said with anger in his eyes. I've just realized , Justin's muscles becomes visible through his shirt when he is angry.
"Oh really , so if I tell someone ,what will you do." I said in a , serous tone.
" If you dare tell someone ,that would mean war"he said , with that said I got a little scared but I wouldn't show that I was scared.
"Ooh , war I'm so scared" I said sarcastically
" You should be " he said and walked away

When I got home from school I thought of how stupid today was I mean for the entire day Justin ignored me, I made no new friends and I got a lot of homework to do. So I got started on my homework and about an hour and forty-five minutes later i was finished. When I was finished I felt my phone vibrating in my jeans . I took it out to see I got a message that read " Hey, wat u doin 2 nite -Justin"
Am ,nothing /I replied
Good i'm coming over
Wait what you can't come over - I texted. But it was to late as I pressed send the door bell rang , Why do we have to live next to each other , I complained in my head, as I walked towards the door.
As I opened the door I was greeted by lovely brown hair and eyes.
Without a hey, hi or hello, Justin just walked into my house . he was really lucky that my parents work late.he began to walk up the stair case like he knew where he was going . I shortly began to follow him and I Think when he realized I was following him he began to run . He then went through a door which lead to my room and he locked the door.
"Justin , open this door right now" I yelled. It took a few minutes before he opened the door but as he opened the door I asked" why did you even come here?!"
"We'll I wanted to see your room , now I have so bye" He said and walked off before I could say anything .
The next day I woke up to the sound of my alarm going" beep beep beep"
I got off the bed made it up , and went to the bathroom I firstly began to brush my teeth why my purple tooth paste . when It was time for me to rinse my mouth I realized that my teeth were purple , I mean I have brushed my teeth with this toothpaste for years and this never happened before . I thought this could only be the work of Justin . It now makes sense why wanted to see my room yesterday.even though my teeth were purple , I decided to still go to school ,so I got ready and took the bus to school.
When I arrived to school I immediately began to look for Justin . when I found him I walked over to him.
"What's with the frowning ,you should really smile" he said with a smirk
" Oh, you want me to smile ,fine" I said giving him a big smile showing my teeth. while smiling Justin began to laugh .
" Oh , you think this is funny, I will so get you back for this" I said in a serious voice and walked away.

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